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Mrs Croft
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Mrs McEvoy
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Mrs Bridgwater

Welcome to Reception

Dough Disco in Reception

One of the ways we get children ready for writing in Reception is by doing lot’s of fine motor activities to strengthen their hands and fingers. A particular popular fine motor activity is Dough Disco! We learn the moves that we need to do and then put them to music. 

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Mrs Croft, Mrs McEvoy and Mrs Bridgwater would like to warmly welcome you to the Reception area of our website.

We are always really excited when it’s time to meet our new classes every year and will work closely with you to help both you and your child settle into life at St George’s Reception class.

We love to see the children come in happily every morning. However if you are finding things a bit tricky, please come and talk to us-we are always happy to listen and help out where we can.

Every morning we are on the Reception playground from 8.40-8.50 to welcome you in with a smile for a prompt start to the day. Whilst we are outside giving out cheery good mornings, Mrs Beech,  Mrs German, Mrs Mackeen and Mrs Birch  are inside helping your child develop their organisation skills by putting their own coats, book bags and water bottles away. The children then start the day with a fine motor activity to help develop their pre writing skills. The earlier they come in, the more practise they get!

During the day, we engage the children in learning through fun, practical tasks based on a book of the week. One of our favourite activities is reading in Reception and we enjoy the special time and discussions that sharing stories can bring-you can help us with this at home by reading daily with your child whether it be sharing a cosy bedtime story or helping them on the first crucial steps of their reading journey by letting them read you their phonics book. This also gives the children a chance to wow you with the incredible skills they will be learning in lessons.

We encourage all our children to do regular exercise and movement in school. We have PE every Thursday in the hall and the children can come to school in plain joggers/leggings and the school jumper with a plain white/green t shirt on these days. To make sure we are getting our regular exercise in, we go outside every day whether it be playtime, lunchtime or as part of our afternoon free flow sessions. To make sure we all enjoy this comfortably, please make sure your child has a warm waterproof coat, hat and gloves in winter and sun cream and sun hat in the summer.


We use Tapestry (an online journal system) to record any ‘wow’ moments your child does in school. This also allows you to share all the wonderful activities you do at home with us-we really look forward to meeting and working with you all.

If you would like to get in touch with us directly, please use the e-mail address below.

Class Showcase
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Dough Disco in Reception
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PE on Thursdays
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Sticker Jobs

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Dough Disco in Reception
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PE on Thursdays
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Sticker Jobs
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