Year 3

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Miss Owen
Year three teacher
Mrs Weston
Year three teacher

Welcome to Year 3

Year 3 R.E

In Year 3 we have been learning about the Holy Trinity and how this can be represented through art work.

The children then created their own pictures to represent the Holy Trinity.    

See previous messages & posts

Welcome to Year Three

We would like to welcome you to Year Three

There are lots of exciting things going on and we don’t want your child to miss a moment. Attendance is really important so please try to ensure your children are here every day and they are in class and ready to learn for 8.45am.

We want you to know that we are always happy to support you and your child in any way we can so if you have any concerns or worries, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email on

On this page you will find useful information about your child’s weekly timetable, links to useful websites and other important information.


  1. Mrs Weston (3W)
  2. Miss Owen and Ms Kaur(3O)
  3. Miss Williams (3Wi)
  4. Mrs Annett
  5. Miss Slaney
  6. Mrs Regan-Owen

Homework is given out every Friday and should be returned at the latest on the following Wednesday.

Spellings are given out on a Friday and the test will be the following Friday. We encourage children to practise spellings at home either in their spelling book or on Spelling Shed.

We recommend that the children should be reading at home a minimum of 5 times a week and and we encourage parents/carers to record this in their reading records.

We ask that children have their P.E kits in school at all times. Our P.E. lessons are usually on a Wednesday and the day that the other lesson is on will vary each week.

We encourage our children to stay hydrated throughout the day and welcome water bottles to be brought in. Please could you ensure that the bottle is labelled to avoid it getting misplaced.

Children are encouraged to eat healthily at St George’s so we ask that they bring in fruit only for break time snacks.

All children will have usernames and passwords for Times Tables Rockstars, Spelling Shed and Purple Mash. If possible, children are encouraged to access these regularly to assist with their learning at home.

Here is a link to our yearly overview:

Year 3 Yearly Overview 24 25


Class Showcase
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Year 3 R.E
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Year 3 Art
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Year 3 History

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Year 3 R.E
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Year 3 Art
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Year 3 History
See more Showcase Items

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Homework in Year 3

Homework is vital for children to know more and remember more. ⭐

In Year 3, homework is given to every child on a Friday and we expect it to be returned the following Wednesday at the latest. We will alternate homework between Numeracy and Literacy.  As well as this, we ask that children read 5 times a week to someone at home alongside their reading in school.

All children also have a username and password for TimesTable Rockstars and Spelling Shed. These are fantastic resources for children to use at home to support their learning.

Thank you for your continued support with this.

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Spelling Shed

The children have all now been given their login details for Spelling Shed, this is a great online resource for practising spellings which can be found here: Spelling Shed.

If you have any issues logging on then please let us know.

We have also looked at lots of different ways to practise spellings in school, below are just a few ideas:

  • Write each word out three times (you could use different colours)
  • Cut out letters from newspapers or magazines and use them to make your spelling words.
  • Make a pyramid using the letters in your words eg. w

.                                                                                         w o

.                                                                                         w o r

.                                                                                         w o r d

  • Write your spellings in alphabetical order, you could then write them in order using the second/third letter.
  • Time challenge – how many times can you write your spellings in a given time? You can try and beat your score throughout the week.
  • Put your spellings into sentences, see if your can make a story with them.
  • You can write each letter of your spellings using a different colour or even use bubble writing.
  • Include each spelling in a picture that makes you think of the word.
See previous spellings

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.