Year 6

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Mrs Branford
Year 6 Class Teacher
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Miss Mogg
Class Teacher
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Mr Richards
Year 6 Class Teacher

Welcome to Year 6

Y6 Computing- IP Addresses

This week, during our computing lessons, we have been looking at IP addresses and data packets.

The children have used a domain website to search the IP addresses of various websites. Then, we learned about data packets and created our own messages which were broken up into lots of different data packets and sent around the room.


See previous messages & posts


The following staff would like to welcome you to the Year 6 area of our website:

Mrs Branford (Class Teacher)

Mr Richards (Class Teacher)

Miss Mogg (Class Teacher)

Mrs Buxton (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Dale (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Manvell (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Urey (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Underwood (HLTA)

Miss Schutte (HLTA)

Mrs Sohier (HLTA)


Homework Expectations and Weekly Routine😊


Weekly homework consists of one Maths and one English based activity. Occasionally, special projects such as History or Geography research projects are set as an additional piece of homework.

Homework is given out on a Thursday and should be handed back in the following Wednesday. As part of Thursday’s lesson, children are given the opportunity to review and self-correct their homework with adult support.


Reading is a vital part of children’s learning; our aim is for them not only to become competent readers but to develop a real love of reading. Because of this, we encourage our children to read regularly, at length and from a wide range of genres.

In Set One, the expectation is that children should read at least 100 pages during the course of the week. This could be divided into  multiple reads, split into two or three reads or completed as one lengthy read.

In Set Two, the expectation is that children should read at least 50 pages during the course of the week. This could be divided into  multiple reads, split into two or three reads or completed as one lengthy read.

In Set Three, the expectation is that children should read either 5 times per week, or at least 50 pages. This could be divided into  multiple reads, split into two or three reads or completed as one lengthy read.

Each read should be recorded at the time of reading, with the date, pages read and a comment, and preferably initialled by an adult.  As children become more confident in their reading, they can write their own comments about the books they are reading in their reading diaries.

We celebrate a ‘Reader of the Week’ in each class every week.

Children are also expected to regularly practise their weekly spellings at home. These are tested in school each Friday.

P.E. is currently on a Tuesday afternoon, but children are expected to have their full PE kit in school all week as we will frequently complete sporting activities on other days of the week too.

Your child is also required to have a drinks bottle in school at all times. Can you please ensure this contains water and no other type of drink?

Thank you for your support with this.


Mental Health and Well-being

The children’s emotional well-being is of great importance to us. Not only do we cover it in great depth in our PSHE curriculum, but as part of day to day school life. Positive well-being is facilitated through many activities including: 5 Ways to Wellbeing; Calm Brain; Mindfulness; Interactive Emotions Boards and Guided Meditation.

ExpressYourself - The Five Ways to Wellbeing – Signals


Yearly Overview

Please click on the link below to access the planning overview for the year. It explains which topics are covered and when they will be taught.

Year 6 Yearly Overview 24 25



If you have any questions you would like to ask, don’t hesitate to talk to any of the Year 6 staff on the door or you can email us at:

We will aim to reply to your emails as soon as we are able to do so.


Links to Online Resources

All Year 6 children also have a login and password for the following websites which can be accessed from home and are great to help children practise key skills.     (timetables)         (spellings) (maths games)

Username: stgeorge

Password: password


To further support your child at home, you may also find these useful: (Whole curriculum)    (Geography)           (Science)      (History) (D&T)



Class Showcase
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Y6 Computing- IP Addresses
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Y6 Mountain Ranges- Atlas Work 🗺️
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Year 5 and 6 RE Harvest Poems

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Y6 Computing- IP Addresses
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Y6 Mountain Ranges- Atlas Work 🗺️
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Year 5 and 6 RE Harvest Poems
See more Showcase Items

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Reading Expectations in Year 6 📚😊

Well done to all of the Year 6 children for the responsible attitude that they have shown towards their home reading and homework! 😊

Please see below for the home reading expectations for Sets One, Two and Three. This information will also be sent home in reading diaries this week.

Reading is a vital part of children’s learning; our aim is for them not only to become competent readers but to develop a real love of reading. Because of this, we encourage our children to read regularly, at length and from a wide range of genres.

In Set One, the expectation is that children should read at least 100 pages during the course of the week. This could be divided into  multiple reads, split into two or three reads or completed as one lengthy read.

In Set Two, the expectation is that children should read at least 50 pages during the course of the week. This could be divided into  multiple reads, split into two or three reads or completed as one lengthy read.

In Set Three, the expectation is that children should read either 5 times per week, or at least 50 pages. This could be divided into  multiple reads, split into two or three reads or completed as one lengthy read.

Each read should be recorded at the time of reading, with the date, pages read and a comment, and preferably initialled by an adult.

Many thanks for your support with this.

The Year 6 Team


See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Strategies for Practising Spellings at Home! 😊

Regular spelling practise is of great benefit to children’s confidence and learning in English. Spelling practise does not take long  – little and often works best! 😊

Here are some ideas for spelling practise which will be lots of fun to try at home with your children.

If you have any questions, or if you would like any support with any of the ideas below, please come and ask!

Happy Spelling! 😃🔠📝🌟

Mrs Branford and Mrs Burnett 😊



See previous spellings

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.