Here are our main news stories.

If you have children at our school, you should also read the latest School Updates

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September 26, 2024
Silver Geography Quality Mark Award

We are thrilled to have been awarded a silver Primary Geography Quality Mark Award which...

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September 26, 2024
Staff Spot!

Name Miss Lees Role in school and how long you have worked here? I work...

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September 24, 2024
Harvest Donations for Telford Crisis Support

We will be supporting Telford Crisis Support for our Harvest this year during the week...

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September 23, 2024
Word, question, music and wildlife of the week

Every week we have a word, question and music of the week that we share...

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September 19, 2024

Magic Show The PTFA have booked a brilliant professional magician to come into school on...

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September 19, 2024
Children starting school September 2025

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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September 19, 2024
Tasty Treat from our PTFA

Tasty Treat from our PTFA Our PTFA, who are busy raising funds for our new...

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September 17, 2024
Staff Spot!

Staff Spot! Each week, we will be introducing a member of staff so you can...

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September 17, 2024
Word, question, music and wildlife of the week

Every week we have a word, question and music of the week that we share...

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September 17, 2024
Special Prayer

This weeks’ special prayer is written by Madelyn in Year 5. Dear God, I thank...

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September 12, 2024
Staff Spot! Mrs Watts-Deputy Head

Each week, we will be introducing a member of staff so you can get to...

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September 11, 2024
Word, question, music and wildlife of the week

Every week we have a word, question and music of the week that we share...

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August 24, 2024
Nursery and Reception Places- book a tour

Are you looking for a Reception place for your child to start school in September...

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July 9, 2024
Returning Books

PLEASE can children bring all our Little People, Big Dreams books back to school, along...

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July 8, 2024
Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: Horse chestnut tree (conker tree) Question of the week: Which is...

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July 2, 2024
Junior Choir at the Summer Fair 🎶

What a fabulous performance by our Junior Choir at the Summer Fair on Friday! The...

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July 2, 2024
Thank You Co-op!

Wow! HUGE thanks to our local Co-op. Not only did they donate lots of cakes,...

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July 1, 2024
Thank You!

Thank you for supporting our summer fair everyone! Together we have raised a whopping £2950.28...

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July 1, 2024
Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: meander. How a river winds along a route. Question of the...

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June 28, 2024
Sports Day Thanks!

Thank you to all the parents and carers who have supported school this week by...

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June 28, 2024
Thank You PTFA!

Thank you to our fabulous PTFA who work so hard to raise money for school....

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June 25, 2024
Pods Open Day

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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June 24, 2024
Summer Fair

Don’t forget it is our summer fair on Friday! Please collect your children as usual...

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June 24, 2024
Special Prayers

Children can write prayers at home or in school and pop them in our special...

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June 18, 2024
Windrush Workshops

Thank you so much to Heather from TAARC (Telford African and Afro-Caribbean Resource Centre) for...

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June 18, 2024
We are collecting stamps for Hilbrae Dog Rescue Kennels

Can you help us to collect used stamps please? We are collecting them for Hilbrae...

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June 18, 2024
KS2 Talent Show 2024 Results

Well…what a show! Well done to all the children who auditioned and performed at our...

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June 17, 2024
Happy Eid!

Happy Eid to our families who celebrate this festival!  ...

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June 13, 2024
Our World Debates

Last week we led 4 days of debating for 24 local schools, including our own...

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June 10, 2024
Thank You, B&Q!

Thank you to B&Q for a huge donation of seeds and bulbs for school!...

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June 10, 2024
Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: Invasion. The movement of an army into a region as an...

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June 3, 2024
Walk to School Week 2024

Well done to everyone that took part in the Walk to School Week. We completed...

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June 3, 2024
Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: Acorn. An acorn is the fruit of an oak tree. Question...

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May 23, 2024
Glasses Appeal

Can you help us to collect pairs of glasses please? We are supporting the Lions...

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May 23, 2024
New Reading Shed

Our new reading shed is looking great! Mrs Hough and a group of children have...

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May 23, 2024
Artist Visitor

Thank you to local artist Neil who has been in school again this week to...

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May 23, 2024
We Are National Record Breakers!

We broke a national record today for the school with the most children to have...

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May 23, 2024
Thank you!

Thank you to everyone for supporting our PTFA’s New Rule Day today in school. The...

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May 21, 2024
PTFA meeting-Everyone Welcome!

Our next PTFA meeting is being held on Monday 3rd June, 7.30pm in The Parish...

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May 21, 2024
Well Done, William!

What a season it’s been for William! 69 competitive games played. 8 clubs represented throughout...

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May 20, 2024
Soccer School

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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May 20, 2024
Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: Pivot. The central point on which something turns. Question of the...

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May 17, 2024
Year 6 Photos- End of SATS Week

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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May 17, 2024
Thank You Kitchen Team!

A HUGE thank you to our EPIC kitchen team who served up over 460 America...

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May 16, 2024
Urban Games

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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May 14, 2024
Type 1 Diabetes

Last week Mrs Sixsmith led assemblies about Type 1 Diabetes. The link below takes you...

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May 14, 2024
Can you or your business help us please?

Raffle-Tastic Prizes   Do you work with or for a local business and think they...

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May 14, 2024
Can You Give a Hand? (Pretty Please)

We have some pretty #epic stalls and activities planned for this year’s Summer Fair, but...

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May 14, 2024
Stall Holders Wanted!

Summer Fair Stalls Up-For-Grabs!   We have a small number of stalls available to rent...

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May 13, 2024
Sun Safety ☀😎

Now the weather is starting to improve, share this song with your child to teach...

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May 9, 2024
Word, question and word of the week

Word of the week: environment. An environment is everything that is around us, which includes...

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May 7, 2024
PTFA New Rule Day 23rd May

Please see this poster for a PTFA fundraising day on Thursday 23rd May. We think...

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May 7, 2024
Thank You B&Q!

WOW! Thank you to B&Q Telford for generously donating all of these beautiful plants to...

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April 25, 2024
Mud Run Good Luck!   Good Luck to Jessie-May and Morven who are raising money for Cancer Research...

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April 25, 2024
Special Prayer

Lillian and Elizabeth in Y5 have written this special prayer to use in school....

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April 22, 2024
Junior Choir at St George’s Park Nursing Home

Our Junior Choir had a wonderful time performing at the St George’s Park Nursing Home....

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April 19, 2024
Donations of Soft Toys Needed Please

Can you help please? We are looking for donations of soft toys/teddy bears for our...

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April 15, 2024
Wellbeing Award for Schools Success

We are thrilled to announce we have been awarded the Wellbeing Award for Schools again....

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April 15, 2024
Big walk and wheel 2024

Well done to everyone who took part. A particular mention goes to 3R who had...

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April 15, 2024
Word, Music and Question of the Week

Word of the week: debt. Debt is money that is owed. Question of the week:...

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April 12, 2024
Lunchtime Activities

Children enjoyed a lunchtime of chalking yesterday and we have lots of great chalk artists...

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March 15, 2024
🎉 Celebrating the Success of Our Aspirations Day! 🌟

We are excited to announce the tremendous success of our recent Aspirations Day at St....

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March 13, 2024
Spring Raffle Thanks!

Thank you to Harrison in Y2 and his family who have kindly donated 3 family...

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March 13, 2024
Thank You!

With your help from our non- uniform day we will be taking lots of maths...

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March 13, 2024

Red Nose Day- Friday 15th March BBC Radio Shropshire are in school again this year...

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March 13, 2024
Special Mentions Assemblies

Well done to all the children who received a Special Mention this week. It was...

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March 12, 2024
St George’s Spelling Bee! 🐝

Yesterday, we hosted our very first inter-school Spelling Bee! Children from five local schools came...

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March 12, 2024
World Book Day!

What a fabulous time we all had celebrating World Book Day! Throughout the day, we...

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March 12, 2024
Urban Games

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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March 11, 2024
Spring Raffle Prizes

Here are just a few of our fantastic raffle prizes. Thanks to the PTFA for...

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March 11, 2024
Word, music and question of the week

Word of the week: estuary. Where a river meets the sea. Question of the week:...

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March 8, 2024
French Breakfast Club

We had a lot of happy children at Breakfast Club before half term. Madame Sohier...

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March 8, 2024
Red Nose Day Friday 15th March

Don’t forget it is Red Nose Day on Friday 15th March. This will be a...

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March 7, 2024
Bed Time Stories Day 4 Part 2

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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March 7, 2024
Bed Time Stories Day 4 Part 1

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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March 6, 2024
Bed Time Stories Day 3

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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March 5, 2024
Big Walk and Wheel Assembly

Today, a Road Safety Officer visited our school and, with the assistance of the Junior...

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March 5, 2024
Bed Time Stories Day 2

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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March 5, 2024
Words, question and music of the week

Words of the week: A carnivore is an organism that eats mostly meat, or the...

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March 4, 2024
Reading Focus Week/ Author Visit 📚❤

This week, we are celebrating ‘Reading Focus Week’ at St George’s! Throughout this week, the...

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March 4, 2024
Bed Time Stories Day 1

This week in school we are celebrating books and reading. Each day, a member of...

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February 29, 2024
Word. question and music of the week

Word of the week: hymn. A religious song that praises God. Question of the week:...

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February 28, 2024
Join us for Aspirations Day at St George’s!

On 14th March, we are having an Aspirations Day in school! This event is aimed...

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February 27, 2024
Tell a Fairy Tale Day! 👸🤴🏰📚

On Monday, St George’s celebrated Tell a Fairy Tale Day!  The children took part in...

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February 27, 2024
Recorder Festival for Year 3, 4 and 6 🎵🎵

Wow! What an incredible performance at the Recorder Festival by our fabulous children! 🌟🌟🌟 Yesterday,...

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February 19, 2024
Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: Empire. A group of countries or states ruled over by a...

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February 8, 2024
Storytelling with Peter Chand! 😊

Last week was our Storytelling Week, and we had a fantastic time listening to and...

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February 6, 2024
Safer Internet Day 2024

Today is Safer Internet Day. Mr Perry, Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Croft will be leading...

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February 2, 2024
Free Online Books

You can use this link to access free books to share with your children.

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January 30, 2024
Word, music and question of the week

Word of the week: interconnection. In geography, interconnection is the way people impact on the...

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January 26, 2024
Local Walking Football and Hockey Clubs For Adults

Please see details here for two great opportunities for adults. Contact information is on the...

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January 25, 2024
Arthog information Powerpoint 2024

A huge thankyou to those who attended the Arthog information meeting after school today. Here...

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January 24, 2024
Borrow Books!

Don’t forget we have lots of books in school for children to borrow in addition...

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January 22, 2024
Young Voices

Children and staff have arrived safely at Resorts World in Birmingham for Young Voices. They...

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January 22, 2024
Word, music and question of the week

Word of the week: Sequence. To break down an event into simple steps and put...

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January 21, 2024
Gold ARC Award

We are over the moon to have been awarded the Attachment Research Community Gold TIASS...

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January 15, 2024
Martin Luther King Assemblies

We have been learning about Martin Luther King in assemblies today. This BBC resource helps...

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January 15, 2024
Word, music and question of the week

Discrimination: When a person is treated differently (not in a good way) because of some...

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January 11, 2024
Word, music and question of the week

Word of the week: malleable. Something that can be shaped into something else, without breaking,...

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January 11, 2024
BSAT & The Linden Centre Coffee Mornings/Evening

Please see this event run by Telford and Wrekin’s’ Behaviour Support Team which is open...

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December 22, 2023
Festive Week in School

Well, we have had a very busy festive week in school. We have had two...

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December 22, 2023
Gifts from Church

Thank you to Reverend Debbie and her group of volunteers who gave us gifts to...

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December 21, 2023
Christmas Video Featuring Some of Our Fabulous Children!

Watch some of our LOVELY pupils interviewing Cllr Shaun Davies about Christmas in this video...

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December 18, 2023
Non-Uniform and Christmas Lunch Day- Wednesday 20th December

Don’t forget it is non-uniform day on Wednesday 20th. Children can wear whatever makes them...

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December 15, 2023
Raffle thanks!

Wow! Together we have raised a whopping £859 from our raffle today. Thank you to...

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December 15, 2023
Thanks to our PTFA!

HUGE thank you to our Friends of St George’s PTFA for working so hard to...

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December 15, 2023
Church Carol Concerts

We have so enjoyed the three carol concerts in Church this week and are incredibly...

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December 15, 2023

The whole school have learned about and made Christingles this week. Why don’t you ask...

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December 12, 2023
Raffle Hampers!

LOADS of fabulous hampers to be won in our Christmas raffle. Tickets are £1 for...

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December 11, 2023
Y4 Experience Christmas

Thank you to Reverend Debbie, Reverend Lisa and their team for inviting our Y4 to...

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December 8, 2023
Church Carol Concerts Reminder

Christmas Carol Concerts Parents and carers are warmly welcomed to our carol concerts. We are...

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December 8, 2023
Santa’s Grotto

Ho ho ho! The grotto is set up and ready for visitors. How exciting! There...

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December 8, 2023
Christmas Raffle Ticket Sales

Thank you so very much for all the donations that have come in today for...

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December 6, 2023
Non-Uniform Day Friday 8th December

Don’t forget Friday 8th December is a non-uniform day in school. Children can wear whatever...

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December 6, 2023
More Y6 Arthog Residential Photos!

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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December 6, 2023
Santa’s Grotto-last chance to buy tickets

It’s the Final Countdown… …In just 48 hours, ticket sales for the Santa’s Grotto here...

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December 6, 2023
Christmas Soccer Schools

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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December 4, 2023
Christmas Jumpers

We have a selection of Christmas jumpers available for children to borrow from age 3...

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December 4, 2023
Word, Question and Music of the week

Word of the week: Compassion. The desire to help someone who is upset or in...

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December 4, 2023
Santa’s Grotto Tickets

If you haven’t yet bought your tickets for this year’s Santa’s Grotto and you’re able...

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December 1, 2023
Reverse Advent Calendar

We will be doing our Reverse Advent Calendar again this year to collect food and...

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December 1, 2023
Y6 Arthog Residential

Well…what can we say? We are SO super proud of the children for working so...

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December 1, 2023
Las Posadas

Each year we learn about the Mexican tradition of Las Posadas where towns and villages...

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December 1, 2023
RE Debates Film

We hosted 20 schools for RE Debates a couple of weeks ago and one of...

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November 30, 2023
Advent Prayer

Holy God, The One who comes to us in love and invites us to be...

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November 30, 2023
Y6 Arthog Residential Visit Day 3

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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November 29, 2023
Y6 Arthog Residential Day 2

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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November 28, 2023
Word, Song and Music of The Week

Word of the week: Advent. The time of preparation for the celebration of the birth...

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November 28, 2023
Christmas Writing Competition! ✏🎄🎅

Exciting news! We’re thrilled to introduce our new Christmas-themed writing competition! We’re on the lookout...

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November 28, 2023
Y6 Arthog Residential Day 1

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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November 27, 2023

Well done to our Safety Guardians (Children’s Safeguarding Board) for delivering excellent assemblies last week...

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November 27, 2023
Christmas Decorations Donations

Do you have any Christmas decorations you no longer need? Please drop in any donations...

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November 27, 2023
Y6 have arrived safely at Arthog!

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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November 27, 2023
Grotto Tickets (PTFA)

Well jingle bells and all that’s festive, Santa is coming to St George’s and he’s...

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November 22, 2023
Help at Church Needed Please

Can anyone help Reverend Evans and The St George’s Church Team please? Lots of people...

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November 20, 2023
Word, Question and Music of the Week

Word: texture. How something feels such as smooth, soft or rough. Question: How have you...

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November 17, 2023
Children in Need Thanks!

Thank you for making such an effort for Children in Need today. Together we have...

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November 16, 2023
RE Debates 2023

We have run 2 days of RE debates in school this week which was attended...

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November 13, 2023
Word, Music and Question of the Week

Word: Parliament. The place where laws are made. Question: Who do you know is special...

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November 10, 2023
School Council Event

On Thursday, a small group of our school councillors went to Southwater Library to feature...

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November 10, 2023
Remembrance Collective Worship

All of our children showed exceptional respect during our two Remembrance Collective Worships today. We...

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November 7, 2023
Spelling Bee at St George’s! 🐝

We are very excited to announce our first ever Spelling Bee at St George’s! On...

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November 5, 2023
Phonics and Early Reading Workshop for Parents

Thank you to all of the parents that took the time to attend the Phonics...

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October 27, 2023
Farewell Church Service for Reverend Evans

Today the whole school celebrated Reverend Evans’ time at St George’s in Church as he...

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October 25, 2023
PODS Sleep Workshops

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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October 23, 2023
Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: hygiene. Personal hygiene is the way we care for our bodies....

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October 20, 2023
Church Roof Thanks!

Thank you for all donations today for our non-uniform day. Together, we have raised £296.65...

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October 19, 2023
Special Mentions Celebrations

Well done to all the children who have received a Special Mention certificate this week...

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October 19, 2023
School Charities of the Year

Our wonderful children on the school council have discussed a selection of local charities for...

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October 16, 2023
Urban Games October Half Term 2023

Urban Games October Half Term 2023...

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October 16, 2023
Word, question and music of the week

Word: Evergreen. A tree that keeps its green leaves throughout the year. Question: Would you...

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October 13, 2023
Forgiveness Design Winner

Congratulations to Nikita R in Y5 for winning the competition to design a picture which...

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October 12, 2023
Cross Country! 🏃‍♂️

On Tuesday 10th October, children from year 3, 4, 5 and 6 competed in a...

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October 9, 2023
Word, music and question of the week

Word: Sacred. Something that is sacred is believed to be holy and to have a special...

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October 5, 2023
Reading at Home Awards from Mrs Sixsmith

Well done to all the children in Years 1-4 who gained a Head Teacher’s Award...

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October 5, 2023
African Dance Workshops

We had 2 days of fantastic African dance workshops led by Zamble African Dance Company...

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October 5, 2023
Happy Teachers Day

Happy Teachers Day! Thank you to all of our teachers for working so hard each...

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October 5, 2023
Excellence in Music Provision Award

We are very happy to have gained our silver Excellence in Music Provision Award today....

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October 3, 2023
Bag 2 School Thanks

Thank you for all the clothing donations that came in last week for our Bags...

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October 2, 2023
Primary Science Quality Mark

We are thrilled to announce we have been awarded our Primary Science Quality Mark which...

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October 2, 2023
Harvest Prayer

Dear God, Thank you for the food you have given us to eat, the fruits,...

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October 2, 2023
Black History Month

We are celebrating Black History Month in school, as part of lessons and through assemblies....

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October 2, 2023
Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: Monarch. A King, Queen, Emperor or Empress. Question of the week:...

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October 1, 2023
Jammy Dodger Harvest Festivals!

We have enjoyed two Harvest Festivals in Church this week. We are so incredibly proud...

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October 1, 2023
Harvest Thanks!

5 trollies filled with Harvest donations handed to Telford Crisis Support today. Mrs Jervis said...

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September 30, 2023
Blue Peter Book Club

Blue Peter have launched a new Book Club which we are very excited to promote...

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September 25, 2023
Music, Word and Question of the Week

Words of the week: Vertebrate- an animal with a backbone/spine. Invertebrate- an animal without a...

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September 21, 2023

Next week (week beginning 25th September) we will be holding our bi-annual local History week in...

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September 18, 2023
Word, Question and Music of the Week

Word of the week: Simmer. When a liquid or food bubbles gently before reaching boiling...

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September 11, 2023
Word, Question and Music of the Week

Each week we introduce a word, song and question of the week to all the...

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July 21, 2023
Ice Cream Treat!

Wishing our St George’s School Family a very happy summer break. See you all in...

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July 20, 2023

Wow! We are now the proud owners of this amazing carving, all thanks to Ross!...

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March 6, 2023

Find out more about what's been happening at school...