Published on: 22nd September, 2023

Weekly Newsletter #2 Autumn 2023


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Weekly Newsletter

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of new so head to our website to read about more!

Multiskills Club

Our Year 1 multiskills club began this week. We kicked off the opening week with some speed stacking which required the children to put their fine motor skills into action.

Art in year 1 for the Harvest Festival.

Today we created some autumn trees ready to celebrate harvest festival in church next week.

Mountains in Year 6! ⛰🏔

We are currently studying the fascinating topic of ‘Mountains’ in Year 6 as part of Geography. This week, the children completed some fantastic map work which involved using atlases to locate mountain ranges from all over the world. They then discussed their findings and researched further facts about mountain ranges, and the countries and continents that they are found in.


Y5 Planets!

We have spent the afternoon researching different planets in our solar system.

Check out our amazing work below…

PSHE- Worry Dolls

As part of our author study unit in Literacy, we have been enjoying books written by Anthony Browne. Today we read the book Silly Billy and then made our own worry doll which we will get to take home.

To read the book, click on the picture.

Pin on Picture Books

The children can share their worries with the worry doll and then put the doll under their pillow. The doll takes the worries in the person’s place so that they can have a good night’s sleep and not have to worry about anything!

Arts and Crafts Club

The children in year 2 really enjoyed their first session of arts and crafts. They did a fantastic job at cutting out and folding the template for their “woodland animal desk tidy”. Next week, they’ll put it together and bring it home!

Enkl just for fun | ofamily learning together  

Y4 Science! 😎

As part of our Science topic looking at ‘States of Matter‘, we investigated non-Newtonian fluids. We mixed cornflour and water to make a ‘slime’ which behaves like a liquid until it is put under pressure, then it becomes a solid.

We had lots of fun in our groups! 😊

Moving Mechanisms

As part of our design and technology topic, Year 3 have been creating moving mechanisms that can go inside a story book.

So far, we have made pop outs, flaps and lever mechanisms.


This term, we are focusing on balances and spins in our PE lessons. Mr Porteous and Miss Hedges have been really impressed with the children’s skills.

Word, Question and Music of the Week

Word of the week: Simmer. When a liquid or food bubbles gently before reaching boiling point.
Question of the week: If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go and why?
Music of the week: I Say a Little Prayer by Aretha Franklin.