Published on: 6th October, 2023

Weekly Newsletter #4 Autumn 2023


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Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of new so head to our website to read about more!

Reading at Home Awards from Mrs Sixsmith

Well done to all the children in Years 1-4 who gained a Head Teacher’s Award this week for regularly reading at home. There were so many that Mrs Sixsmith has almost run out of stickers and needs to order some more! She was really impressed with the children’s hard work and how often they are reading. She is looking forward to handing out lots more for children in Years 5 and 6 next week when she looks at their reading diaries. 😀

African Dance Workshops

We had 2 days of fantastic African dance workshops led by Zamble African Dance Company this week. All children in Years 1-6 took part with such great attitudes and lots of GREAT style!!

Excellence in Music Provision Award

We are very happy to have gained our silver Excellence in Music Provision Award today. Thank you to all staff, especially our music leaders, for providing the children with a wide range of quality music teaching and experiences. Thank you to Sam Newth from Telford and Wrekin Music Service for coming into school to give us our certificate. We are already working towards the gold award!

Primary Science Quality Mark

We are thrilled to announce we have been awarded our Primary Science Quality Mark which recognises and celebrates how well science is taught at St George’s. Well done to all the staff for showing such enthusiasm for science, and especially to our science leaders for making science such an enjoyable subject.

Year 4 PSHEE Pedestrian Training

4H completed their pedestrian training this week. The day includes classroom learning sessions and a short walk outside.  Our instructor Diane was really impressed with the children’s behaviour and attitude to learning.  They all passed with flying colours! We are sure that 4P and 4W will be just as successful, when they take part later in the week.

Year 1 Gymnastics

As sportspeople, our Year 1 children were able to perform the balances which they have been practising on the apparatus.

Y5 African Dancing- Black History Month

Yesterday morning, we took part in an African Dance workshop as part of our learning about Black History Month. We all learnt a new dance routine as well as a call and response song. Everyone had lots of fun!

Year 3.4 Boys’ Football

Our Year 3.4 boys’ football team played in the Shropshire Schools County Cup against Grange Park on Tuesday night. The team won their game and have progressed to the next round of the competition.

RE in year three

This half term, we have been looking at Diwali. The children have learned about the celebration and why it is special. This week, the children have made their own Diya, this is a lamp which represents light over darkness and good overcoming evil.

Year 2 Black History Month

This week we listened to the story of Rosa Parks. We understood how Rosa Parks fought discrimination. We created our own pictures of her and added words to describe her and her actions. .

Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: Monarch. A King, Queen, Emperor or Empress.
Question of the week: What’s something you want to do, but you can’t yet?
Music of the week: True Colours by Billy Steinberg and Tom Kelly.