Published on: 20th October, 2023

Weekly Newsletter #6 Autumn 2023


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Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of new so head to our website to read about more!

Reception- Recycling Week

This week in reception we have talked about National recycling Week. We read a book called ‘The Tip’ and talked about what items we can recycle. We recycled some cardboard boxes and turned them into houses making sure we included a roof, windows, doors and some had chimneys.

Y4 Italian Food Tasting! πŸ’šπŸ€β€

As part of our Geography topic looking into Italy, we enjoyed taking part in a food tasting session where we had the opportunity to sample a selection of Italian foods. We used adjectives to describe the taste and texture of each dish. We had lots of fun! 😊🌟


Year 3 Recycling Week

Today as part of recycling week the children have been designing and making their own cardboard robots!

We were really impressed with how creative they were. 😊

Year 1 – Five Little Monkeys

Our new unit of work is all about rhyme. We listened carefully to see if we could spot the rhyme in the story ‘Five Little Monkeys.’ Each of the children made their own monkey headband, danced and moved to the rhyme!




Digital Detectives in Year 6 πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ

As part of our Computing Topic of Online Safety, the children have been carrying out digital detective work! They investigated the digital footprint of various fictional candidates for a football business sponsorship deal, and made decisions on who the best candidate would be based on the trail that they had left online.

Year 5 & 6 Girls football! ⚽

Fantastic win for the St George’s girls last week. They played a great game against Windmill primary school and won 8-3!

Year 6 – Indoor Athletics Competition

Very proud of our Year 6 Indoor Athletics Team who represented our school superbly at TCAT in the Telford and Wrekin Schools’ Sports Partnership competition on Tuesday morning.

Y5 Stitches 🧡

This year, all children in Year 5 will learn some new sewing skills. This term it is 5TP’s turn. Here they are practising straight stitch, back stitch, basting stitch and blanket stitch.


We are proud of ourselves in 1B! 😍

Well done to the children who received Mentions certificates today in assembly. We are looking forward to see who will be next! 🀩

Word, question and music of the week

Word: Evergreen. A tree that keeps its green leaves throughout the year.

Question: Would you rather visit the highest mountain or the deepest part of the sea?

Music: Feels Good (Up Beat Song) by The Rend Collective