Published on: 26th November, 2023

Weekly Newsletter #10


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Newsletter Welcome

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of new so head to our website to read about more!

Funky Fingers- Reception

We have already had 2 weeks in our Funky Fingers after school club and exercised our fingers a lot! we made some lovely scrunched tissue paper pictures last week and this week turned an empty toilet roll into an alien or monster (there was also one princess as well.) It was quite tricky cutting the hair but we did a great job of it.

KS2 Spelling Bees! 🐝

This week, we held our very first Spelling Bee for Years 3/ 4 and for Years 5/6.

We were blown away by the brilliant spelling from all of the children who participated and also by how brave they were! Well done everyone! ⭐⭐⭐

Also, a big well done to the children who were part of the audience; you showed our school value of respect and did a fantastic job of supporting your peers! 🥰

Here are our winners from the Year 5/6 Spelling Bee 🙂

Year 3 Literacy

This week in Literacy we have been looking at different shape poems, we decided to write our own about autumn. The children tried really hard to include similes and alliteration, they had some fantastic ideas!

KS2 Junior Road Safety Officers!

Today the Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO’s) teamed up with the Police community support officers (PCSOs) to conduct a traffic survey outside of school, specifically to see how many people were seen parking on the yellow lines during pick up.

They will now meet with Mrs Watts and the Safety Guardians to come up with a plan to help make the roads near our school, a safer place for children.

A massive thank you to the PCSOs for their invaluable assistance in this initiative.

KS1 Spelling Bee! 🐝

St. George’s had its very first Spelling Bee today, and it was a big success!

All of the children have worked so hard over recent weeks learning a range of age appropriate words.

The children in KS1 had so much fun and kept everyone on the edge of their seats! A HUGE well done to those who took part—they did a fantastic job standing up in front of their friends, and we couldn’t be prouder! Everyone in the audience had a great time cheering them on!

A special congratulations to our top 3 finalists who demonstrated exceptional spelling skills, they each received a prize for their fantastic efforts!






It has been a sparking time in nursery!

For part of our ‘Light and Dark’ topic the children have loved talking about fireworks, we have shared our knowledge of fireworks to create a mind map of colours, noises and shapes. They then used paint to create their own firework picture while discussing colour mixing. When the pictures had dried Miss Lees set off some indoor star cannons so the children could add stars and sparkle to their pictures.

Year 2 Ocarina

This week in music we started our Ocarina lessons. We learned how to hold the ocarina, how to cover the holes correctly and how to breathe into it with a warm, steady breath. By the end of the lesson we had learned how to play a low D, high D, A and B. We even started to learn the first part of Twinkle, twinkle little star.


Year 1 – Bears 🧸 ✏

We made our own teddy bears in English during our topic of Traditional Tales. We are writing a set of instructions about how we made them later this week…

Gymnastics in year 6! 🤸‍♀️

Year 6 had a great afternoon in gymnastics yesterday! We focused on how we can balance on the apparatus. They all had an amazing go at balancing! Miss Hedges was blown away!

Y2 CAD Club💻

This week at CAD Club, we have been working on Tinker Cad to create 3D designs. We have had lots of fun changing the position and place of 3D objects to create a design.

4W Forest School! ☀🌲😎

The children from 4W enjoyed an afternoon of Forest School fun! 😊🌟

They showed excellent teamwork working together to build shelters, they created fantastic clay models of woodland animals and even used the bow saws to cut through wood!

Year 1 – Counting in 2s 🧸🧸

As mathematicians, our Year 1 children worked in pairs to practise counting in 2s practically.

Reception handwriting

W e are trying to form our circular letters correctly. We have worked on c and a. We are now having a focus on g. We have enjoyed writing it on big sugar paper, whiteboards and sheets. Super writing Reception.

Y5 Jodrell Bank 👩‍🚀🚀

A fantastic day was had yesterday with Year 5 at Jodrell Bank. 🚀

All of the children experienced the amazing space dome as well as visit all of the  incredible exhibitions. 🪐




Word, Question and Music of the Week

Word: texture. How something feels such as smooth, soft or rough.

Question: How have you been kind today?

Music: Stand by Me, performed by The Kingdom Choir


Special Prayer