My Child Feels Sad or Low 🙁

Place2be offer some fantastic advice if you feel your child may be feeling particularly low/sad.

Look out for a change in behaviour: A change in behaviour may be a sign that your child is feeling low. They may eat too much or not enough, have problems sleeping or stop doing things they normally enjoy, like playing with their friends.

Name your child’s feeling of sadness: Children may feel sad but not know why. Try to name your child’s feeling of sadness to show them you understand.You can help your child to name their feelings using words such as, sad, blue, down, tired, or fed-up

Try not to rush in: Your child sometimes just needs time to be sad so don’t try and cheer them up or distract them straight away.  When they seem ready, make time for some enjoyable physical activities that may help lift their mood

visit: for more information on this matter.

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