Published on: 19th January, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #16


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Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

Y5 Science- Dissolving 🧪

This week, we have learned about dissolving. We conducted an investigation  to find out which materials dissolve and which don’t. We mixed different solids into water such as sugar, flour and coffee.  We learned new words such as ‘solute’ and ‘insoluble’.


Ice cold in Reception

This week, we have taken full advantage of the weather by making and playing with ice. We have examined the shapes made, tried to freeze toys in the ice and explored what happens when you freeze water in different types of containers.

Nursery meeting an author!


The nursery children loved meeting a real author on Wednesday. They learned all about how books are written, illustrated, published and transported to be sold in shops and borrowed from libraries. The children sat beautifully and listened while Donna David read us some of her own stories. We loved one of them that much Miss Whittaker got a copy for us to read in nursery!


Keyboards in Year 6! 🎹🎵

This week, we have started our ‘Keyboards’ unit of work in Music. We have practised our posture and have learned to play the notes C, D and E. We also experimented with changing our playing using some of our musical elements: dynamics, tempo, structure and timbre.

Well done everyone – you were absolutely fabulous in your first keyboard session! 😊👏👏👏


Division in 1B 😊

This morning we looked at division using grouping. We worked hard, well done everyone!

Reception Author Visit

On Wednesday, we had the author Donna Davis come and visit us in Reception. She talked to us about some of the books she has written and read one of her stories to us. We all found it really interesting to find out about the process she goes through to get her books published. Some children from each class volunteered to help with the explanation of Donna getting an idea for a book, to it ending up on the shelves. The photo below shows some of the helpers acting out the roles of editors, publishers, printers and all the other people who are part of the process.

Year 3 – String Telephones

For our first design and technology lesson of our new topic, British Inventors, we looked at the telephone. We looked at how it has changed and how important it is. We then created our own string telephones. We made two different ones and evaluated which one was the best.

Well done for such a lovely afternoon, Year 3.

This week in Year 2 😊

This week in Year 2, we have been doing lots! We have been playing ocarinas in Music, learning all about the first moon landing in History and continuing to learning about money in Math.


Word, music and question of the week

Discrimination: When a person is treated differently (not in a good way) because of some aspect of their identity e.g. race or religion.

Question: What is your favourite thing about our school?

Music: Something Inside So Strong performed by The Spirituals Choir

Year 4 Geography: Erupting Volcanoes

We made our own volcanoes and made them ‘erupt’ using bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. Our Coke and Mentos version was good too, but we wish it had been an even bigger eruption! Today’s lesson helped us to understand how the magma rises to the surface and becomes lava when it erupts. We could see that volcanoes erupt due to a build up of pressure.

Special Prayer