Published on: 26th January, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #17


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Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

Nursery’s wonderful waddling week!


The nursery children have loved learning about penguins. We focused on the book ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers, a story about a boy and a penguin and their growing friendship. Throughout the week we have played with small world penguins, shared stories, learned about penguins in the wild and played ‘Lost and Found’ matching pairs. We have also created penguins using many different techniques including painting, drawing, cutting out and junk modelling!

Reception Handwriting Competition Winners!

Here are the some of the winners of the Reception handwriting competition. All of the children tried really hard but these children stood out as having consistently good handwriting or they had made excellent progress since starting school in September.

Year 3 Handwriting Competition

We always work really hard with our handwriting in Year 3. This week, we have been putting in extra effort! Here are the winners of our Handwriting competition:

Well done to all of Year 3 for such beautiful presentation and an extra special well done to our winners!

Handwriting in Year 6 😊

The children in Year 6 always work hard to keep their handwriting neat, but this week they have been putting in that extra special bit of effort to present their work as beautifully as possible!  Here are the winners of our Handwriting Competition (for the most improved handwriting, and for the most consistently neat handwriting)  along with the winning entries of the presentation of the poem ‘A Trillion Tropical Leaves’ which is about the Amazon Rainforest. 🌟🌟🌟

Year 2 Ocarina Club! 🎶

Last week in Ocarina club, the children learned how to play “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” and this week, they took on the classic masterpiece “Ode to Joy” by Beethoven. Not only did they play these melodies beautifully, but they’ve also learned how to read music.

Stay tuned for more musical adventures with our Ocarina Club! I wonder what songs they will learn to play next? 🤔


Year 3 and 4 French Club

This week, the children in French Club enjoyed tasting croissants and asking,

"est-ce que tu aimes les croissants?"

Artists in 1B ✏🖌✏🖌✏

Today we were artists. We looked at different textures as part of our buildings topic then we created our own textures. We did a great job using line and colour. Well done everyone! 🤩

Nursery love penguin PE!

Nursery loved being penguins in PE this week. We warmed up to a penguin action song, then each had a bean bag egg to try and waddle with on their feet, it was very tricky! When the bean bags were put away the children were swimming penguins while the adults were whales trying to eat them! The only place the penguins were safe was on the iceberg mats. They had a brilliant time swimming to safety and lots of fun!

Author Visit in KS1

Donna David | Lindsay Literary Agency

Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting author Donna David at our school. She is the author of books such as “Trains, Trains, Trains,” “Oh no, Bobo,” and “Farmer Larmer.” Donna started the day by talking to all our KS1 children in an assembly. She shared how she fell in love with writing and books and even showed us some of her own work from when she was in Year 1.

Following the assembly, Donna led workshops for nursery, reception, and Year 1 classes. During these sessions, she talked to us about some of the books she has written and read one of her stories to us. Donna also provided a glimpse into the fascinating process she goes through to get her books published. To make it even more exciting, some children took on the roles of editors, publishers, printers, and other important people who help make books. It was an interactive and enriching experience for everyone involved!

A big thank you to Donna for inspiring us with your stories and sharing the magic of writing!


Young Voices

Children and staff have arrived safely at Resorts World in Birmingham for Young Voices. They are very excited to be joining more than 6000 other children in this concert and will perform tonight to a packed audience!


Word, music and question of the week

Word of the week: Sequence. To break down an event into simple steps and put these steps in order.
Question of the week: What is your favourite subject in school and why?
Music of the week: What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong.

Special Prayer