Published on: 14th March, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #22


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Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

A Huge Well Done to all of the Children in Year 6! 🌟🌟🌟

Well Done – Coundon Primary School

We are so thrilled with all of the Year 6 children this week for their fantastic efforts with their Mock SATs this week! They have approached their tests with a brilliant attitude; every single one of the children should be very proud of themselves!

Well done! 👏👏👏

Nursery’s bouncy, bursting balloons!

The children had a wonderful time playing with balloons. They ran around with their friends seeing how high they could get them in the air and tried their best to catch them. When the balloons burst the children made sure that the wildlife would not be injured as they collected all of the pieces and put them in the bin!

Year Three Poems to Perform

In Literacy, we are looking at poems.  Today, we have been learning to perform poetry. Firstly, we watched some video clips of our year three author, Michael Rosen performing poems.

After that, we read a range of poems and performed them in small groups.


All the children did a fantastic job and it was a pleasure to watch.


Well done.

Building Bridges- Reception

This week in Reception the children have been using duplo bricks to build bridges across the water. They were given the extra challenge of building a bridge that wasn’t flat on the floor. We have seen some great communication team work skills from children helping each other!

Y5 Hockey

Year 5 children have made great progress in their hockey lessons. The children played some excellent hockey matches and showed great team work!

Year 1 – Easter Celebration Art 🥚⛪🎨

We are really looking forward to going to church next week to celebrate Easter! Our Year 1 children have produced some beautiful art work that they will proudly walk around the church during their service.

St George’s Spelling Bee! 🐝

Yesterday, we hosted our very first inter-school Spelling Bee! Children from five local schools came to take part in our Spelling Bee; the competition was tough, and all children did incredibly well! All of the children who took part were in Years 3 and 4, and we had a wonderful audience of our St George’s Year 3 children to cheer us on! We are so very proud of our brilliant Spelling Bee team- you did yourselves and St George’s proud! Well done!


Nursery’s marvellous Mother’s Day learning!

The children really enjoyed focusing on the book ‘Mummy and Me’ written by Emma Chichester-Clark. Throughout the week we played story matching pairs, coloured flower bouquets and made a little surprise for our Mums or Nans in the form of a card and coaster.

Year 1 – Locational and Directional Language 🧭

As geographers, our Year 1 children have been using directional and positional language to direct a teddy bear on a map. Using the words North, East, South and West, the children helped direct their partner from one location to another on a map.

Year 4 History: Anglo-Saxon Day

What a brilliant day of Anglo-Saxon activities with Portal to the Past!

The children have enjoyed games and stories from Anglo-Saxon Britain. They have researched religion, everyday life, kings and kingdoms. The children who chose to dress up looked brilliant in their costumes, which added to the atmosphere of the day. The children demonstrated our school values of respect, responsibility and perseverance throughout the day. Well done, Year 4!


Word, music and question of the week

Word of the week: estuary. Where a river meets the sea.
Question of the week: What is your ultimate goal in life?
Music of the week: ‘Baba Yetu’ by Alex Boyé and BYU Men’s Chorus.

Special Prayer

O God,

Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path.
