Published on: 26th April, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #24


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Newsletter Welcome

This week our newsletter is packed full of items to celebrate as it actually covers the last two weeks. We do hope you enjoy reading about our exciting news! Please look on the website in the individual year groups’ pages for more information.

Nursery meet the chicks!

Nursery were thrilled to meet the chicks this week, they all sat beautifully and stayed brilliantly calm around them. The children loved asking ‘mother hen, Mrs Bridgewater’ questions about the chicks and learning about their life cycle, well done nursery!

Year 4 Maths – Money, Money, Money!

Our Year 4 mathematicians have been learning about money, following on from our work on decimals.  We have some budding accountants and financial consultants in our midst!

Earth Day in Year 6 🌍

Earth Day Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download

April 22nd was Earth Day. 🌍 In Year 6, we learned about the importance of looking after our planet and discussed this year’s theme of, ‘ Planet vs Plastics’. We created posters and wrote pledges of how we will ‘invest in our planet’ for the future.


Y5 Incredible Homework- River Severn Project

Well done to everyone who went above and beyond with this week’s homework project all about the River Severn. We have received a variety of work from Powerpoints and models to poems and paintings. Here are just a few examples:



Year 1 – Types Of Trees 🌳

As Scientists, our Year 1 children have been learning about evergreen and deciduous trees. We went on a walk around the school playgrounds to find out which different types of trees we have here at St George’s.

Nursery celebrate Saint George’s day!

Nursery loved celebrating Saint George’s day on Tuesday. In the morning they went on a parade around the field, learned all about Saint George and the dragon and rein-acted the story using the castle, kindly brought in by Mrs Porter!  In the afternoon we coloured our own dragons and learned some of the words to a catchy Saint George song!

The Legend Of St.George | Songs for kids in English | Pep López & Berni Armstrong (



Year 3 – St. George’s Day Activities

We have completed a variety of activities to celebrate St. George’s day. As a team, we read the legend of St. George. We then acted the legend out. After that, we designed and made our own shields to take to battle.

We have had a lovely day, full of smiles and laughter. Well done, everyone! 🙂


Junior Choir at St George’s Park Nursing Home

Our Junior Choir had a wonderful time performing at the St George’s Park Nursing Home. We were so proud of them – they sang beautifully and performed so well to all of the residents. Well done!

This week in Year 2 ⚖😁

R.E. – Spirituality in Year 6

Our current topic in R.E. is ‘Expressing Spirituality Through the Arts’. The children in Year 6 have enjoyed our discussions surrounding spirituality and what this means to themselves and others. This week, they explored how Christians use music to express themselves spiritually, and created artwork to reflect this.

World Art Day

On Monday 15th April it was World Art Day. To celebrate this we had a special assembly for both KS1 and KS2 where we learnt that World Art Day is on Leonardo Da Vinci’s birthday. During the Assembly, every child had a piece of paper and a pencil and we drew our own Zentangles. We looked at different lines that can be used and different ways to use them. The children really enjoyed the assembly and drew some beautiful Zentangles.


Year 3 – R.E

The children have had an amazing lesson in R.E this week. We had to think about why and how we show care to other people. It was lovely to see the children showing such empathy and respect towards each other and the work that they produced was beautiful. Well done, everyone! 🙂

Year 4 World Art Day

We have been artists and celebrated World Art Day this week. All the children took part in a drawing assembly and completed their artwork in class afterwards.

Y5 Limericks ✍️

This week we have been writing limericks as part of our poetry unit. 

Read some of our limericks below:

There once was a boy with a black dress
That cleans every hotel room of their mess
He brings food every morning
He was tired and yawning
He wished he was less and less.
By Benjamin


There once was a furious cat
He was angry and sat on the mat
The cat was so vicious
But very ambitious
And ate too much food and got fat.
By Oscar


There once was an old grumpy man
Who loved to get a nice tan
He was reading a book
Then smelled something to cook
So he ate all the food from the pan.
By Elizabeth

What is a limerick? | Twinkl Parenting Wiki - Twinkl

Reception Chick update day 2

We were all so excited to see two more chicks had hatched overnight last night. These were a boy and a girl which are now in the brooder box with their friends who were born yesterday. Some of the children were also lucky to watch two more boy chicks hatch today! These two are getting all warm and fluffy in the incubator and we will move them to be with their friends in the brooder box tomorrow. Hope you like the photos. We can’t wait to share more photos of the chicks with you all as they get bigger! The children have all been thinking of names for the chicks and we will vote on these tomorrow in RC and RM. RB have already voted and their chicks are Lola and Zachary!



Year 5 Micro:bit club

We had a fantastic start to our coding club tonight with some Micro:bit exploration. The children learnt how to turn them on, connect them to the laptops and then write simple code to change the display and make them play music. We’re already excited to see what we can learn next week.

Special Prayer

Lillian and Elizabeth in Y5 have written this special prayer to use in school.