Published on: 10th May, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #26


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Newsletter Welcome

This week our newsletter is packed full of items to celebrate as it actually covers the last two weeks. We do hope you enjoy reading about our exciting news! Please look on the website in the individual year groups’ pages for more information.

Year 4 Art and History: Mosaics

Year 4 have made beautiful mosaics with Miss Schutte in Art lessons.


Sew Much Fun In Year 3!

This week, we started our sewing project as part of our design and technology topic – Functions of Fabrics.

All of the children were amazing at sewing. They practised running stitch and over stitch. We are really excited to continue this next week! 🙂

Ancient Egyptian Canopic Jars in Year 6

Our Art topic this term is ‘Pots‘, which links to our Ancient Civilisations topic in History. The children have started by researching the use of canopic jars during the Ancient Egyptian mummification process, which they have found fascinating!



Year 1 – King/Queen For A Day 👑

As Historians, our Year 1 children have been learning all about Kings and Queens. Each of the children made their own King/Queen and produced a piece of writing about what they would do for the day if they ruled the land.

Nursery’s ‘field to fork’ week!

Over the last week or two in nursery we have been growing our own cress. We have learned about what plants need to grow and cared for them throughout several stages of growth.

On Wednesday we harvested our crops to produce some delicious three cheese and cress muffins. We all had a brilliant time following the recipe, stirring the mixture and smelling the amazing aroma of the muffins as they cooked! The children loved delivering muffins around school and even got to take one home at the end of their session. You are all super chefs nursery, well done!

Reception’s music lessons with Mrs Beech

Reception have really enjoyed playing the musical instruments in their music lessons with Mrs Beech. These were funded by your donations to fundraising events run by the PTFA at St George’s. Thank you to the PTFA for fundraising for us. Here are some photos of the children playing the instruments!


Y5 R.E. Changing the World

This week in RE, we have discussed how our values and beliefs could help change the world. The children discussed the world we live in now and things they’d like to change about it. They also reflected on the charity work of Christian Aid and Islamic relief and the values these charities must hold.


Year 2 RE

This week our RE lesson has focused on peace. We went outside to look at the school environment and we talked about how nature made us feel peaceful and calm. We wrote prayers all about peace.


Thank You B&Q!

WOW! Thank you to B&Q Telford for generously donating all of these beautiful plants to school. There were so many that Mrs Sixsmith couldn’t fit them all in her car! We can’t wait for staff and children to get planting to make our environment even lovelier.

Year 3 Pedestrian Training

This week, we were joined by Dianne from ‘Travel Telford’ to complete our pedestrian training course. The children learnt all about the green cross code and how to stay safe when crossing the road. They all listened really carefully and Dianne was very impressed with how well they completed their practical assessment.

Word, question and word of the week

Word of the week: environment. An environment is everything that is around us, which includes both living and non-living things such as soil, water, animals and plants.
Question of the week: What makes someone a good friend?
Music of the week: Psalm 34 (Live) by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir