Type 1 Diabetes

Last week Mrs Sixsmith led assemblies about Type 1 Diabetes. The link below takes you to a simple but very clear film explaining what Type 1 Diabetes is for children. There are also some great resources to look at with your child if you go onto the Diabetes UK website.
Don’t forget all children can have a simple finger prick test done by a nurse at school on Thursday 23rd May as part of the ELSA Study. All children aged 3-13 are being offered this test to see if there is an indication that they are at risk of Type 1 Diabetes. All St George’s children have brought home a letter explaining that parents/carers need to resister their child to have the test. You can ask the school office for another letter if you have lost this
So far we have had 93 children be signed up for the finger prick test but with almost 600 children in school, it would be great to get some more!