Published on: 7th June, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #29


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Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

Year 3 – Trip to New Brighton

Yesterday, Year 3 went on a trip to New Brighton to visit the coast. We had ever such a good day and the children were a credit to the school. They worked incredibly hard and completed all of their tasks. Well done, Year 3, and thank you for such a lovely day!

Finally, thank you very much to the PTFA for very kindly buying everyone an ice cream!

1B at Weston Park!

What a super day we had!

We learnt lots about the vegetables grown and the life cycle of apple trees. We looked at the colours we can find in nature. We also had lots of fun on the adventure playground and we filled our tummies with smores, we had a great day!

Year 6 Mini First Aid

Here are some pictures from our Mini First Aid sessions, where the children in Year 6 learned vital life-saving skills. As always, our Year 6 children did us proud with their fantastic attitudes! Well done, everyone! 🙂



Reception sewing

This week, we have been enjoying ‘The Scarecrows Wedding’ by Julia Donaldson. The spider helped to sew Betty’s wedding dress so we thought we’d have a go at sewing too. We managed to thread needles and make some lovely stitches.

Y5 St George’s Got Talent Auditions

WOW! We cannot believe how many children auditioned for St George’s Got Talent! We saw everything from puppet shows and singers to karate and jokes.

Good luck to everyone, we will announce who has got through to ‘Bootcamp’ very soon! Performing Arts Clipart Images - Free Download on Freepik

Year 1 – Computing 💻

On Wednesday, our Year 1 children worked on ‘Purple Mash’ to create instructions to make a code. They enjoyed moving the fish left, right, up and down.

Year 4 Lichfield Cathedral Visit

Year 4 visited Lichfield cathedral yesterday and were in absolute awe of the incredible architecture. During the day, the children took part in various activities including recreating a story from the Bible through the means of art and a guided tour of the cathedral. The children were amazed to see all the intricate detail around the cathedral and were shocked to find out there were 766 heads within the structure.

Nursery love books!

In nursery we absolutely love books! Every day we have two story times and often spend some of our free flow time looking at books that we like. The nursery children love being transported into many different worlds and learning new words.

Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: Acorn. An acorn is the fruit of an oak tree.
Question of the week: If you could be any animal for a day, what would you be? Why?
Music of the week: My Lighthouse by The Rend Collective (actions included this week as we have been learning these moves in school!)