Published on: 17th June, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #30


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Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

Our World Debates

Last week we led 4 days of debating for 24 local schools, including our own Y5/6 debate team.
The theme was Our World and included debate topics such as ‘Books should be banned to save trees’ and ‘Everyone should switch to electric cars’.
Over 400 children had the opportunity to join in with debates during the week and we had a great time!

TAARC Visit to Year 6

The children in Year 6 were treated to a visit from Heather Reid, who came from TAARC (Telford African and Afro-Caribbean Resource Centre). The children learned lots of fascinating facts about the Windrush Generation, and discussed what it might have been like for the people who came to Britain, and also the challenges that they faced when they arrived.





Caterpillars in Reception

Last week we had some baby caterpillars in Reception. We have been watching them over the week and can’t believe how big they are getting. We will continue to observe them and let you know what happens next with them!

Year 2 Science

Today we had a visitor from Harper Adams to teach us all about seeds. We looked at some seeds and found out that they can be different colours and sizes. We talked about what plants need to grow well and set up a fair test experiment to find out. We planted the seeds in soil and then put some in the dark, some in a cold place and some without water. We are going to water them next week and then check to see which ones have grown the best.


Year 3 Science

This week in Science as part of our ‘Animals including humans’ topic we have been investigating animal diets. As part of this we dissected some owl pellets, the were fascinated by what they found!


Year 2 Literacy

This week we have started a new unit in literacy focussing on non-chronological reports.

We started the unit by  looking at a model text about tigers and identified the  different features. Then we compared the layout of two non-chronological reports and worked in pairs to  cut up a mixed up report and reorganise it to create a new one!




Year 6 – Inclusive Football Festival

14 of our Year 6 boys participated in an Inclusive Football Festival that we hosted on Tuesday. This was for boys who have never, or rarely, had the opportunity to represent our school football team. 53 other children from local Primary Schools joined in the fun too. Thankfully, the showers stayed away and the sunshine was out ☀ ⚽

Year 5/6 Online Safety Performance

Year 5 and 6 parents and carers- don’t forget to book your place to watch Snap Trap theatre performance in school on Friday this week with your child!
We have booked 2engage Theatre Company to come into school on Friday 14th June for Year 5 and 6. Each child in these year groups can have one parent/carer attend the performance too so please book your parent/carer place using ParentPay now. You do not need to book a place for your child as they will all watch the performance as part of our online safety curriculum. We have paid for the theatre company to come into school so there is no charge to you for this experience. The performance lasts 50-60 minutes.
Year 5’s performance starts at 1pm. Parents/carers who attend can take children home early at the end of this should you wish to.
Year 6’s performance starts at 2.15pm.
We would love for every child to have a parent/carer come and join them for this performance if possible so please do book a place. Thank you for your support.

Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: Invasion. The movement of an army into a region as an attack that’s part of a war or conflict. (Invasion is one of our core concepts in our history curriculum.)
Question of the week: Is there an activity you would like to try?
Music of the week: Count On Me by Bruno Mars

Special Prayer

Loving God, Help us to look after our school and one another. Help us to always respect others, to do our best, to believe in ourselves and to make the most of every opportunity to learn and grow. Amen.

Nursery’s zoo animals!

In nursery we have been learning about the wild animals that you might find in a zoo or safari park. The children have discussed their favourite wild animals, enjoyed many stories, created their own realistic pictures using colour mixing and made a jungle scene using scissors!