Published on: 24th June, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #31


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Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

Year 4 History Anglo-Saxons and Vikings

We have been historians in Year 4. We used secondary sources to find out about the past. We compared Anglo-Saxon and Roman times using our concepts: invasion, settlement, empire, monarchy, civilisation and religion. We used a timeline to see how the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings overlapped in Britain.

Year 3 RE

In RE we have been looking at ways people show they care for others. This week we listened to some songs about caring and the children then had a go at writing their own lyrics and created an album cover!

Nursery’s very hungry caterpillars!

Last week the nursery children were very excited about the arrival of their caterpillars. They have been fascinated with the caterpillars movement and growth and cannot wait to watch the metamorphic transformation!

Y5- Visit from Dawa

Y5 really enjoyed having the opportunity to ask Dawa from Nepal lots of questions about school life for Nepali children. A huge thank you to Mike too from Classroom in the Clouds for showing us a fascinating video about schools they have built.

Year 4 DT Jam Tarts

We have been learning about seasonal food and how it can be preserved.  We used strawberry jam and shortcrust pastry to make delicious jam tarts!

Canopic Jars in Year 6

Our wonderful Year 6 children have been creating canopic jars as part of their Art topic. This links to our History study of the Ancient Egyptians- the children have loved learning about how the pots were used as part of the mummification process!

Computing in 1B

We have been doing coding in computing this week.

We had to make planes take off and make ghosts and skeletons move! 👻✈👻✈

Year 2 RE

Today we had a visitor who came to talk to us about Islam. Sulaiman, is an Imaan at Telford Central Mosque. He talked to us about Islam and the mosque and we had the opportunity to ask lots of questions and learn more about the Islamic faith.


Windrush Workshops

Thank you so much to Heather from TAARC (Telford African and Afro-Caribbean Resource Centre) for delivering excellent workshops last week to every year group. The children and staff learned a lot, including the ‘who, what, when, where, why and how’ of the Windrush generation.


Caterpillars in Reception

Last week we had some baby caterpillars in Reception. We have been watching them over the week and can’t believe how big they are getting. We will continue to observe them and let you know what happens next with them!

Year 2 Science

Today we had a visitor from Harper Adams to teach us all about seeds. We looked at some seeds and found out that they can be different colours and sizes. We talked about what plants need to grow well and set up a fair test experiment to find out. We planted the seeds in soil and then put some in the dark, some in a cold place and some without water. We are going to water them next week and then check to see which ones have grown the best.


Special Prayers

Children can write prayers at home or in school and pop them in our special prayer box. Some of them will be read in assemblies and others will be included in the weekly newsletter. This is one written by a child this week:


Dear God

Please help our friends in Nepal and keep our world safe for everybody.
