Published on: 28th June, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #32


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Sports Day Thanks!

Thank you to all the parents and carers who have supported school this week by attending the sports days. Thanks too to staff for running them so smoothly and making sure children feel included.

Y5/6 sports day was rained off this morning but we have re-scheduled it for Monday 15th July at 9.30am.



Thank You PTFA!

Thank you to our fabulous PTFA who work so hard to raise money for school. The children all enjoyed the ice lollies the PTFA bought them this week for after their sports days.

Year 1 – Computing 💻

This week, our Year 1 children learnt how to edit the background when coding on Purple Mash. They also have instructions to the different objects that they placed within their code.

Nursery’s ‘try it Tuesday’

The children have continued to enjoy trying new foods in nursery. Lately we have tried pineapple, mango, coconut and retro fig rolls!

Year 4 Maths Telling the time

Year 4 have all been learning about time recently. Set 3 were keen to show their learning using this brilliant matching game!

Y5 Recycling Homework Project

Wow! We are all so impressed with the efforts made by so many children with the final big homework project. You have all been incredibly creative making models with recycled items. WELL DONE!

Remember it isn’t due in until Wednesday 10th July.


Nursery are super sports stars!

On Monday nursery took part in their sports afternoon. We were all very proud of them both on the day, and in practises as they ran like the wind!


Year 6 Production – We’re Getting Ready for the Show! ⭐⭐⭐

The children in Year 6 have been working incredibly hard on their end of year production. Here are some sneak preview photos… we don’t want to give too much away, but the audiences will be in for a real treat when they come to watch over the next few weeks! Well done, Year 6! 😀


Year 1 & 2 Sports Day!🏅

What a fantastic Sports Day! Well done to all of the children in Years 1 & 2 who took part today. All of the teachers were so proud of the effort you all put in. Your positive attitude and determination was fantastic,  everyone smashed it! 😁

Sports Day in Year Three

The children in year three and four have had a fantastic sports day. It was lovely to see the great sportsmanship displayed by all the children. They definitely enjoyed the ice lolly at the end.

Well done to the red team for winning and all the other children for taking part.

Here are some photos from the morning.


Year 4 History Anglo-Saxons and Vikings

We have been historians in Year 4. We used secondary sources to find out about the past. We compared Anglo-Saxon and Roman times using our concepts: invasion, settlement, empire, monarchy, civilisation and religion. We used a timeline to see how the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings overlapped in Britain.

Special Prayer

Dear God,


Thank you for the world you have created and all the special people in it. Please help us to look after our environment and care for your creation.

