Published on: 5th July, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #33


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Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

Year 4 Lego League

For the past 10 weeks some of the year 4 children have been attending Lego STEM club after school in preparation for today’s Lego festival. The children had to create a project using Lego which focused on talents and hobbies, they created their own models and used a coding program to add lights, movement and sound!

Today, the children presented their models to a team of judges who all commented on how well the children spoke about their projects and were really impressed with how well they worked together as a team. A huge well done to both of the teams who ended up winning ‘Best presentation’ and ‘Best coding’.

We had a fantastic day and the children really represented all of our school values.😊

Our fantastic year in Reception

All the things we have enjoyed

This morning, we had a reflective morning in Reception. We talked about our year, what we have learned and what we have enjoyed. We made a list together of all the events, activities and different things we have done. The children remembered more than the adults.

The link above will take you to the MASSIVE long list-we decided its the biggest list we’ve ever seen!


Nursery’s brilliant butterfly week!

This week in nursery we have released five butterflies to spread their happy wings and fly off into the big wide world! To celebrate we have spent the week creating beautiful butterflies that the children can take home to remember our nursery pets.

Coding – Year 1 💻

Our Year 1 children completed their unit of Coding in their Computing lessons by following a plan to use code and make the program that they designed work.

Design Technology in year 1🤩

Well done to everyone today! We looked at stable structures in particular toy car garages. We had to design and build them then test if they worked. We had a  lovely time and used a lot of sellotape!

Y5 British Science Week

This week is British Science Week and our focus was ‘Astronomers’.

Take a look at our magnificent work….

Year 3 Science

This week in science we have been looking at seed dispersal. We discussed all of the different ways that this happens and why it is so important. The children made their own seeds to demonstrate how wind dispersal works.

Tigers in year 1

In literacy we are doing an author study. We have been reading The Tiger Who Came To Tea which is written by Judith Kerr. We painted the tiger form the story.


Year 4 RE Visit to Sikh Gurdwara

Year 4 had a fantastic time at the Sikh gurdwara today. We were made to feel very welcome and learnt a lot about the Sikh religion.  The children behaved beautifully and we were very proud of them all.

Bikeability in Year 6

It’s Bikeability in Year 6 this week! The children have worked on their cycling skills and have practised their road safety when on roads in the local area. Well done, everyone! 😊

Junior Choir at the Summer Fair 🎶

What a fabulous performance by our Junior Choir at the Summer Fair on Friday!

The audience loved their renditions of ‘Diamonds’ by Rihanna and ‘Count on Me’ by Bruno Mars.

Great job, everyone! 👏👏

Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: meander. How a river winds along a route.
Question of the week: Can you name a new sport you would like to try?
Music of the week: Thank You for the Music by ABBA.

Special Prayer

Dear Lord,

let the people in our school be blessed. Let them be happy, helpful and kind. Thank you for being with us wherever we go. Thank you for providing for us too.


Prayer written by Nikita in Y5

Folded hands in prayer, palm to palm hands, christian blessing in grace, vector