Staff Spot!

Staff Spot!
Each week, we will be introducing a member of staff so you can get to know who people are in school if you are unsure.
Name Miss Millward
Role in school and how long you have worked here? Teaching Assistant (Year One)

One year voluntary/ placement

Five years employed

What do you love about working at St George’s?




I like the fact that we have a good team that support one another.  I think our school provides a very happy environment for our children to learn in.  I find all the staff to be friendly, warm and welcoming. I really enjoy my role and love watching our children grow and achieve.
Can you tell us about a memory from when you were at school?







1.      School dinners, Tarmac for pudding with green or pink custard.

2.      When I was six our teacher provided us with plastic containers full of lots of different pasta for us to count, weigh and compare shapes.  I used to take a handful each day and secretly munch on them in the afternoon.  One day, after a while the teacher noticed that the pasta was slowly disappearing and said that no one would be going home until the pasta was returned to her.  Eventually I had confess that I had been eating it!

What are your hobbies?





I love spending quality time with my gorgeous eleven year old son, George.  I love getting together as a family during the school holidays.  Family is so important to me. Gardening during the summer months, I adore a garden full of brightly coloured flowers.  Woodland walks (all seasons) and swimming.
What’s your favourite biscuit? Gluten free shortbread or a cookie.
If you could go on holiday to anywhere in the world, where would you go?


I have always fancied the going to Thailand.  I would love to visit the Phi Phi islands, Phuket and Ko Samui.  The beaches there look so beautiful and remote.  I would also like to go to Bangkok and experience a different culture.