Year 6 – P.E

This afternoon, Year 6 did Drumba for P.E. Everybody showcased their fantastic balance and coordination with an excellent sense of rhythm. Well done, Year 6!

Year 6 – Computing

This morning, Year 6 have been showcasing their skills on a laptop – in particular on PowerPoint. Everyone created some brilliant presentations which were filled with entertaining animations and stunning transitions. We also presented our presentations to each other. Well done, everyone!

Year 3 – Trip to New Brighton

Yesterday, Year 3 went on a trip to New Brighton to visit the coast. We had ever such a good day and the children were a credit to the school. They worked incredibly hard and completed all of their tasks. Well done, Year 3, and thank you for such a lovely day!

Finally, thank you very much to the PTFA for very kindly buying everyone an ice cream!

Year 3 – E-Mailing

We have been learning about emailing in Year 3. We have learnt how to send emails, how to reply to emails and how to stay safe when using emails. We also made our own quiz!

Sew Much Fun In Year 3!

This week, we started our sewing project as part of our design and technology topic – Functions of Fabrics.

All of the children were amazing at sewing. They practised running stitch and over stitch. We are really excited to continue this next week! 🙂

Year 3 – St. George’s Day Activities

We have completed a variety of activities to celebrate St. George’s day. As a team, we read the legend of St. George. We then acted the legend out. After that, we designed and made our own shields to take to battle.

We have had a lovely day, full of smiles and laughter. Well done, everyone! 🙂


Year 3 – R.E

The children have had an amazing lesson in R.E this week. We had to think about why and how we show care to other people. It was lovely to see the children showing such empathy and respect towards each other and the work that they produced was beautiful. Well done, everyone! 🙂

Year 3 – Tag Rugby

Year 3 were lucky enough to have an afternoon of tag rugby. They took part in lots of different, fun games.

It was such a lovely afternoon which was full of smiles and laughter. Well done, everyone!

Year 3 – Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

This week, the children have been doing a range of activities to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week.
We have been fortunate enough to have Mrs Wingrove-Adams join us for a special assembly.
Mrs Hach and Miss Slaney have also led a special workshop.


Year 3 Handwriting Competition

We always work really hard with our handwriting in Year 3. This week, we have been putting in extra effort! Here are the winners of our Handwriting competition:

Well done to all of Year 3 for such beautiful presentation and an extra special well done to our winners!

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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