Year 3 – String Telephones

For our first design and technology lesson of our new topic, British Inventors, we looked at the telephone. We looked at how it has changed and how important it is. We then created our own string telephones. We made two different ones and evaluated which one was the best.

Well done for such a lovely afternoon, Year 3.

Year 3 – Drumba

We had an absolutely brilliant afternoon in Year 3. We had a lesson using the Drumba equipment for the first time.

Everyone had a lovely time and picked up the different skills incredibly quickly. We are looking forward to more Drumba next week!


Year 3 – Tudor Kings and Queens

We were historians in Year 3 today! We identified and highlighted the most appropriate and useful facts that we could find. We then used those facts to create different fact files about the Tudor Kings and Queens.

Well done everybody for such a brilliant afternoon! 🙂

Year 3 Exploring Fonts

As part of our design and technology topic, we looked at different fonts and making our words stand out. The children produced some amazing work!

Year 3 On The Move! 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️

Today, we all walked around St. Georges. We had a challenge to tick off different key buildings as we were going.

When we returned to school, we used Google Earth to highlight the route we walked. We also sketched and plotted where the different key buildings were.

Our St. Georges memories

Today, we were lucky enough to have Mr Handley come in to school. He told us all about what St. Georges was like when he was growing up. He also told us about his happy memories to do with St. Georges.

We then wrote our own special memories about both St. Georges and St. George’s Primary School.

Moving Mechanisms

As part of our design and technology topic, Year 3 have been creating moving mechanisms that can go inside a story book.

So far, we have made pop outs, flaps and lever mechanisms.

Year 3 ROCK!

Year 3 had a brilliant time in science. For the beginning of their rocks topic, they worked in groups to make observations of a variety of rocks. They then grouped the rocks in whichever groups they thought were appropriate. Well done, everyone!

Andy Warhol Inspired Art

Year 3 have taken inspiration from Andy Warhol and produced their own repeated image artwork.

We were really proud of everyone’s hard work. Everyone produced a beautiful piece of art! 🙂


Earth Day Activities

Year 3 completed Earth Day themed activities today. We spoke about how special the Earth is, how important it is that we care for it and how this links to our school value of responsibility. We made our own pledges of what we will do to protect the Earth and created our own tree of pledges.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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