A Well Done To Year 3!

We would like to say a huge well done to all of Year 3. They have settled back from Easter extremely well!
In our English lessons, the children have started looking at playscripts. The children were fantastic at finding and labelling features of their playscripts. They were also fantastic at acting them out too!
In P.E, the children were lucky enough to have a visitor from Shropshire Cricket come to teach us. We started our cricket topic with practising our catching. We are looking forward to throwing and fielding next week!
Some children also got the chance to learn and explore in our forest. All of the children that went into the forest were extremely respectful and had a brilliant time!
Well done Year 3! We have had a lovely (and extremely busy) first week back! 🙂

Storytelling in Year 3

We have had a lovely week in Year 3. We have been having our Storytelling week. We had a visit from Peter Chand, who is a Storyteller, and he told us stories and asked us lots of riddles. We also had a visit from our “Buddy Readers” in Reception. We read them stories and practised our storytelling.


Year 3 Clay Heads

This week, our word of the week has been Malleable.

This has coincided perfectly with our art work. Today, we used clay to make our own clay heads. The children used a variety of techniques when doing this and everyone created some fabulous clay heads. Well done, Year 3! 🙂


Art – Mixing Colours

Year 3 have continued our “Heads” topic this week. First, we drew a self portrait. We then mixed water colours and painted our portrait. The children worked incredibly hard and produced some stunning artwork. Well done, everyone! 🙂


Remembrance Day Artwork

We spent a lovely afternoon completing remembrance day activities. The children showed respect when discussing why we have remembrance day and they produced some lovely artwork.

Black History Month – Weekly Fact File.

Last week, we posted about Ernest Everett. This week’s famous person is Guion Bluford. He is a clever, brave man with an inspirational story which is highlighted with him being the first African American person in Space.

We hope you enjoy reading about him! 🙂

Guion Bluford Fact File.

PJ Buddy Reading!

We have been reading with children from Reception and Nursery today – in our PJs! We all really enjoyed reading with our buddies and are excited for the next time.


Year 3 Are ROCKing

Year 3 had a brilliant time in science. For the beginning of their rocks topic, they worked in groups to make observations of a variety of rocks. They then grouped the rocks in whichever groups they thought were appropriate. Well done, everyone!


Well Done Everyone!

We would like to say a huge well done to all of the children in Year 3! You have settled into the daily routines incredibly well and have shown a fantastic work ethic.

We are really excited for our first full week with you all. Well done, everyone. Keep it up! 🙂


We have enjoyed a lovely week of PSHE work. We have completed our financial capabilities topic. We have enjoyed the time to have lovely conversations with the children. They have shown real interest and maturity when speaking about things like budgeting, advertising and ways that you can keep your money safe. Well done everyone!


Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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