Seasonal Foods

Year 4 have been looking at seasonal foods as part of their design and technology lessons. Yesterday, they made stuffed peppers and jam tarts. The children were amazing at working together to make these two foods. Well done, everyone! 🙂


Creative Music

We would like to say a huge well done to all of the members of Year 4!

We were incredibly impressed with how sensibly and creatively they approached their music lesson. Their task was to create their very own musical instruments using recycled materials. The created instruments looked brilliant and the team work that every child showed when making their instruments was great!

Science Chocolate Investigation

Today, we looked at melting and freezing. As part of the lesson, we melted white, milk and dark chocolate. We then timed how long each one took to solidify again – taking their temperature each minute.


Science Fun

In our States of Matter topic, we learnt about Non-Newtonian liquids. These are liquids that don’t respond as you would expect when pressure is applied.
We mixed cornflour and water so that we could experiment with one of these liquids.


R.E artwork

We looked at the creation story this week. We read it and spoke about each different part of the story. The children then took inspiration from the story to create their own beautiful piece of art.


Sew Much Fun In Year 4!

The teachers in Year 4 would like to say a huge well done to all of our children for their hard work and perseverance.

This week, we have completed our design and technology topic – seasonal stockings. We started by looking at different types of seasonal stockings and identifying the things that we really liked. We then practised different types of stitches, sewing on a button and sewing applique. Finally, we designed and created our own amazing seasonal stockings!


Year 4 Science Fun! 💡💡💡

This afternoon, Year 4 had a lovely time in their science lesson.

For the past few lessons, the children have been learning all about circuits. Today, the children had chance to make their own circuits.

They started by making a simple circuit. They then had to try and put a buzzer, switch or motor into their circuit. Finally, we looked at how we could make the bulb brighter or dimmer.

Well done for such a lovely afternoon, everyone! 🙂


St. George’s And The Chocolate Factory!

We have started our new writing topic, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, this week.

Today, we created our own word bank of all of the words that we could think of to describe our favourite sweets and chocolates.

To help us, we tasted a variety of sweets and chocolates too!


A Taste Of Italy

As part of our Literacy and geography topics, the children in Year 4 tasted a variety of Italian food. There were some foods that lots of children liked (ice cream and ciabatta) and some new foods that the children tried (olives and sun-dried tomato).

Well done to all of the children. They were incredibly sensible and ensured that everybody had a brilliant, fun lesson! 🙂


St. George’s Local Study Week

Here at St. George’s, we are extremely proud of our local area and where we live. We  took inspiration from the history around St. Georges and completed a week of learning about it.

We learnt all about the church, mining, our school and the Gower. We then completed art activities inspired by each of the topics.

All of the children should be extremely proud of the work that they completed. Their hard work and effort really does show in all of their work. We have displayed this artwork in our year group areas. It looks fantastic!

Well done, everyone! 🙂

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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