Science Experiment at Home – With Scientific Sid!

To celebrate the arrival of our caterpillars. We’ve got a brand new science experiment for children at home.

Balloon Butterflies!

We had some super scientists last week that got an award and a sticker from Sid.  We would love to see some of your amazing balloon butterflies! Please send any pictures to your year group email.


A huge well done to all of these children. They have completed the ‘Science Experiment at Home’. All the children have received a science star certificate and a sticker from Scientific Sid! What super scientists.


We upload a new experiment every fortnight for children to try at home.

Here are some experiments for you to have a go at at home:

Bubble Snakes

Egg Shell Tooth Experiment

Science Experiment at Home – With Scientific Sid!

We’ve got a brand new science experiment for children at home.

?Bubble Snakes?

We had some super scientists last week that got an award and a sticker from Sid.  We would love to see some of your amazing bubble snakes over the half term! Please send any pictures to your year group email.

Here are some questions to think about whilst you experiment.

  • Why does this work?
  • Why are the bubbles round?
  • Why can you see different colours in the bubbles?

Remember to blow down the bottle NOT breathe in! 


A huge well done to all of these children. They have completed the ‘Science Experiment at Home’. All the children have received a science star certificate and a sticker from Scientific Sid! What super scientists. ⭐

We upload a new experiment every fortnight for children to try at home.

You’ve still got time to do the ‘Egg Shell Tooth Experiment‘. If you’d like to have a go, click the link, give it a go and then send us a picture!? ?

Botanists & Zoologists

We had lots of fun today pretending to be botanists and zoologists – just like Carl Linnaeus. We went outside to spot plants and bugs with our magnifying glasses. We were able to see lots of detail. 🍃🌳🍂🍁

Science Experiment at Home – With Scientific Sid!

Every fortnight we will be uploading a science experiment for all children across St George’s to do at home with their grown up. Each experiment uses items that you will likely have at home. We would love to see children using their scientific skills, so please send any photos to your class teacher.

Pyjamarama Day!

Thank you so much to all of the children in 1M who dressed up in their Pyjamas and donated money to The National Book Trust. We have spent the day enjoying books, painting settings from different stories and drawing our favourite characters. Here are some pictures from today. It has been lots of fun!📚📕💕

Leaf Rubbings for Mental Health and Well-being Week🌳🍂🍁

This week is mental health and well-being week. We went outside and collected some leaves then we did some leaf rubbings. It was very relaxing and we had lots of fun experimenting with different colours.🍂🍃

Easter Week in Year 1! 🐰🥚🐣🌷

This week we have been learning about why we celebrate Easter.🐣

We have learnt all about the Easter story and why Christians give/receive Easter eggs. We learnt that eggs are an important part of Easter because they remind Christians of new life. This week, we have been outside to spot signs of new life, created a beautiful Easter cross, made chocolate baskets, written prayers to God and made Easter cards for our family.

Here are some pictures 😁


Superheroes for Comic Relief 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️

Today was Comic Relief: Red Nose day— our theme was ‘Superheroes’. We learnt all about Comic relief and how it helps lots of people all over the world. We dressed up in superhero/mufti outfits and donated money to Comic Relief. Here are some of our awesome outfits!


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Primary Science Quality Mark
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