Planting Beans in Year 1 🌷

In Literacy, we have been learning all about Jack and the Beanstalk. Today, we planted our own beans. We listened carefully to the instructions. We hope our bean doesn’t grow too tall, perhaps a giant will start living in a castle at the top!



Wonderful home learning in 1M!

Here are some fantastic pieces of work from Andrea and Olly in 1M. A huge well done to all of you working from home. We can’t wait to see you on the 8th! 🌞🌈😁

We love seeing your work. You can send it to us at:


Happy Friday Year 1,

Here are today’s lessons.


Lesson: Form our letters correctly

Copy the poem neatly onto the heart paper and then stick the heart inside your card. Give the card to someone you love!



Lesson: Solve simple addition

Have a go at completing today’s Valentines day addition. Remember when solving addition calculations, put the biggest number in your head and count on.



Lesson: Science

Today, we are going to look at how Spring changes into Summer.

Watch this video. What can you spot? Observe the changes from Spring to Summer.

Your task today is to draw and label the things that change from spring into summer.

Click here for a  worksheet


We have loved seeing what you’ve been getting up to at home. If you would like to send us anything please email

Have a lovely weekend!🌞🌈


Good Morning Year 1,

Here are today’s lessons:


Letters & Sounds

Lesson: Follow instructions.

Follow the instructions of how to make a Valentines Day card.

Click here for the worksheet.


Lesson: Solve addition calculations

Today we are going to recap how to solve addition calculations.

The first activity to complete is using a number line. To solve each problem, you need to find the biggest number on the number line and then jump along. An example is on the worksheet to help you.

For the second activity, you will be solving problems mentally. Remember you always put the biggest number in your head and count on.



Lesson: PSHE

In PHSE we have been looking at new goals, dreams and challenges.

Today we are looking at what it means to stretch our thinking or our skills. This usually means trying over again and again, stretching a bit more and a bit more. Often there are obstacles or barriers when we want to achieve a dream or a goal. We must remember to keep going and that it is worth it –  once we’ve earnt it.

Watch this video

Can you answer these questions: 

Do you think the boy wanted the star?

Was it easy for him to get the star?

Did the boy give up?

How did the boy get the star?

Do you think it was worth the wait?

Your task today:

Can you think of a time when you stretched your learning to achieve something new?

This could be, walking, learning to ride a bike, swimming, zipping up your coat on your own, getting dressed, brushing your teeth, using a knife and fork. These weren’t easy at first, but with practise and by stretching your learning, you got there!

Draw a picture of when you stretched your learning.

Click here for a worksheet

Wednesday Lessons⭐

Good Morning Year 1!

We hope you are having a super week.

Here are the lessons for today:


Letters and sounds

Lesson: Use nouns and verbs

Read the poem, The Sound Collector. Which words are the verbs, remember they are the action words or doing words. You are going to write your own Sound Collector poem. There two sheets to choose from one is writing a poem the other is cutting and sticking matching the verb to the noun. Choose which you would like to do

Click here for the worksheets


Lesson: Calculate change

Well done for all of your work on money so far!

Today we will be learning how to calculate change. To complete today’s activities you need to look at the cost of the item. Colour in the amount of coins you will spend. Remember to look carefully at the value of each coin, it could be different each time. How many coins have you got left over? Count them – this is your change.

There are 2 worksheets to choose from:

Calculate change using 1ps

Calculate change using 2p and 5ps



Lesson: RE

Our new unit is ‘What is the good news that Jesus brings?’

Today, we will be learning all about Jesus and his message.

Watch this video all about Jesus.

Draw a picture of Jesus, then using the speech bubble template. Write one of his messages. Stick this next to your drawing of Jesus.

Click here for the worksheet and template.


This weeks time table

Good Morning Parents,

We have been having a few issues with the website this week – we are looking into how to fix this. Apologies if this has caused any problems. Here is this weeks timetable.



Year 1 Team 🌞🌈


Hi Year 1, 🌷

Here are the lessons for today! Today is Safer internet day. This afternoon we will be looking at a internet safety story💻


Letters and sounds

Lesson: Identifying verbs

Watch the video about what a verb is and do the actions.

Play the action game . Cut up the cards with the actions. Turn them over. Take it in turns to turn a card over, do the action and get someone to guess.

Have a go at the worksheet after the game.

Click here for the game and worksheet


Lesson: Find the total of 2 items

Begin today’s lesson with this starter

Today we are going to be adding coins together to find a total.

For this activity, you will need a pencil, scissors and a glue stick.

Your task is to choose 2 items to add together. Cut them out and stick together to make a number sentence. Remember to put the biggest number in your head and count on.

Click here to download the pictures.


Safer Internet Day

Watch this video all about Safer internet day

Then have a go at reading this story all about Buddy the Dog with your grown up.

Your task today is to write down three things you would keep safe in your treasure chest, then write 3 things you would keep safe on your computer.

Here is the worksheet

Here are some Buddy the dog colouring sheets too.



Monday Lessons🌞

Good Morning Year 1

We hope you are all safe and well. We have loved seeing your emails about what you are getting up to at home! 🌈

If you would like to send anything to your teacher, please email

Here are today’s lessons:


Letters and sounds

Lesson: Listening carefully.

Today are going to be sound collectors. Listen carefully to what you can hear. Draw and label the things you can hear onto the circles and then stick them in the jar.

Click here for the worksheet



Lesson: Count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 involving money

Today we are going to be counting coins to help with our knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Have a go at singing alongside these videos to get you started

Counting in 2’s

Counting in 5’s

Counting in 10’s

Now have a go at one of the worksheets, there are 2 to choose from. Remember to look carefully at the value of each coin to know which number you will be counting in.

Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2



Lesson: Cave paintings

Watch this video all about Cave Art

Have a look at some of the things they would paint. People who used to live in caves would paint animals, and people hunting. To paint they would often use different sticks (as a paintbrush).

Your task today is to go and collect a stick from outside. Just like a caveman, you will be using this stick to create your own cave paintings. Now have a go! Use earthy colours such as red, brown, yellow and black.

Remember, cavemen would paint animals and people hunting.


Good morning Year 1,

Here are the lessons for Friday 🙂

This week is special because we are focusing on ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’.

As well as maths and literacy, we are looking at how to ‘express yourself’. Our afternoon lessons will consist of 5 different ways to wellbeing. These will be:

Being Active, staying connected, giving, learning or trying something new and taking notice (things that bring us joy). We would love to see you doing some of these activities, please send any photos to


Letters and sounds

Lesson: sequence events

Cut out the pictures and stick them in the correct order. Use the poem to help you.



Lesson: Find the total cost

Today, we will be using money to find out the total cost of an item. Look at the coins for each ice cream and work out how much it costs. Remember, each coin has a different value so you will need to count carefully.

There are 2 worksheets to choose between – easier or harder.


Children’s Mental Health Week – Take notice (things that bring you joy):

Lesson: Take notice (the simple things that give you joy)

Today your task is to spend time doing thing you enjoy. This is very important for our mental health as it brings us joy and makes us happy. Watch this video. What are your favourite things to do?

Look at the activity sheet—can you circle all of your favourite things to do? Then draw your own. Spend some time this afternoon, doing something that you love to do.

Don’t forget to send your photos/work to


Good morning Year 1,

Here are the lessons for Thursday.

This week is special because we are focusing on ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’.

As well as maths and literacy, we are looking at how to ‘express yourself’. Our afternoon lessons will consist of 5 different ways to wellbeing. These will be:

Being Active, staying connected, giving, learning or trying something new and taking notice (things that bring us joy). We would love to see you doing some of these activities, please send any photos to


Letters and sounds

Lesson: Form your letters correctly.

Watch the videos and then have a go on the worksheet.




Now try your neatest handwriting on the worksheet


Lesson: Use coins to make totals

For today’s activity, you will need coins.

Each piggy bank has a different total. You will need to work out how you can make each total by using different coins. If the piggy bank has 10p inside it, think of different ways that you could fill the piggy bank with coins. Could you use more than 1 coin?

Send in pictures of your completed piggy banks to


Children’s Mental Health Week – Try/learn something new

Lesson: Try/learn something new

Today we are going to look at why trying new things is good for us. Watch the video above, can you answer these questions?

What happened to Vashti at the start?

Did Vashti try something new?

Was this a good thing or a bad thing?

What happened when she tried something new?

Is it important to try something new? Why?

What new thing would like to try today?

1: Watch the video and see how many fun facts you can remember.

2: Learn to draw something you have never drawn before. – Llama – Dachshund dog – Volcano – A cute hot chocolate

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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