National Children’s Gardening Week: 23rd – 31st May 🌷🌳🌻🍂

Hello Year 1, tomorrow is the start of National Children’s Gardening Week!🌳🌻🌷🍂

This website has lots of gardening activities you could do at home. Fairy pot flower houses, rock bugs and even hedgehog feeding stations!

Make your own recycled bird feeder –

Watch this video to remind you what plants need to grow.

Don’t forget, we love to see how you are getting on with your home learning! Your grown up can email us at:

Science Activity – The Human Body👃🏽💪🏻🦶🏿👁

In Science, we are learning about Animals including Humans.

Today we are looking at the human body.

Watch this video to learn more. Try to remember the key information.

Your activity:

Draw your self and label as many different parts of the body you can.
Don’t forget, we love to see how you are getting on with your home learning! Your grown up can email us at:

RE Activity – Designing a prayer mat 🎨

In RE we are learning about the month of Ramadan and how Muslims celebrate the end of Ramadan with a big celebration called ‘Eid’.

As we approach the festival of Eid al-Fitr, we look at how Muslims pray to their God.

Watch this video to find out about Prayer in Islam.

Your activity:

Design your own prayer mat, it should include important symbols to you, lots of different shapes and various colours.  You can use paint, pens or pencils to create your prayer mat.












Here are some ideas:













Don’t forget, we love to see how you are getting on with your home learning! Your grown up can email us at





Topic Activity – Teddy Bears🧸🧸

We are learning about toys in Topic

Today we are going to look at Teddy Bears🧸

Listen to this story – make sure to have your teddy with you!

Where's My Teddy?: Alborough, Jez: 9780763698713: Books

Do you have a teddy at home? (You can always use a different cuddly toy)

Try some of these activities:

  • Tell us why your teddy is special.
  • How does your teddy make you feel?










  • Design/draw a teddy for someone else – what things will it need?


Make sure to send us some pictures of what you have created. We love to see what you are getting up to!


Nature Art Activity 🍁🍂🍃

Creating nature art

On your daily walk, see what you can find to make some beautiful nature art. Here are some ideas we love!

Make sure to send us some pictures of what you have created. We love to see what you are getting up to!


RE Activity 🌙

In RE we are learning about the month of Ramadan and how Muslims celebrate the end of Ramadan with a big celebration called ‘Eid’.

Watch this video all about ‘Eid’.

Muslims like to paint beautiful patterns on their hands using henna, this is called ‘Mehndi’.

Your Activity:

Using a marker pen and a cut out of your own hand, can you design your own Mehndi pattern?

Don’t forget, we love to see how you are getting on with your home learning! Your grown up can email us at

Science Activity 🐑

We are learning about Animals including Humans in Science. Today we are looking at life cycles.

Watch this video about sheep and cow life cycles.

Can you remember what type of animal cows and sheep are?

Watch this video about a butterfly’s life cycle.

Can you remember what type of animal a butterfly is?


Your activity:

Have a go at drawing a life cycle from one of the videos, draw pictures and arrows to show the order.  You could also write down some words that you remember from the videos.

Look at this one:


Don’t forget, we love to see how you are getting on with your home learning! Your grown up can email us at:

Peter Rabbit Day – We loved planting carrots🐰🥕

Today, we read the Tale of Peter Rabbit.

We made our own rabbit ears and planted carrots – just like the ones in Mr Mcgregor’s garden. We watered our seeds and even made name cards to show where we planted them. It was lots of fun!🥕

Topic Activity 🧸⚽

The Old Toy Room

We are learning all about toys in Topic. Today we are looking at old toys!

Listen to this story…

The Old Toy Room by Twinkl Originals - book, teaching resources ...

This story is about Lottie meeting lots of different old toys.

Your Activity:

Have a go at answering these questions:

  • Which old toys did you spot?
  • What did everyone do after the ballerinas danced in the theatre?
  • What were your favourite old toys?
  • Do you have any of these old toys at home?

How many old toys can you remember? See how many you can draw and label.

Parents, please see the list below to find what your child should be trying to use in their writing. 

  • Beautiful handwriting – tall (t, h, l, b, d…) short (a, c, s, r…) and hanging (g, y, p…) letters
  • Finger spaces – making sure there is a finger space between each word
  • Capital letters – capital letters for names and at the start of a sentence
  • Phonics sounding – using their phonics knowledge to sound/spell words
  • Full stop – using a full stop at the end of a sentence
  • To make your writing more interesting you can use adjectives.

Don’t forget, we love to see how you are getting on with your home learning! Your grown up can email us at

Foundation activities for this week📝


Topic – Toys from the past🧸

Old Toys Topic Lesson


100 Years of Toys Video

Toys from the past power point

Spinning top activity 

Old Toys word search


Science – Looking after pets 🐶

Looking After Your Pet Science Lesson


Looking after pets video


VE Day – Friday 8th May🎈

VE Day information and activities


All about VE day


RE – The month of Ramadan🌙

All about the month of Ramadan Lesson


All about the month of Ramadan



Don’t forget, we love to see how you are getting on with your home learning! Your grown up can email us at

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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