Y2 CAD Club💻

This week at CAD Club, we have been working on Tinker Cad to create 3D designs. We have had lots of fun changing the position and place of 3D objects to create a design.

This week in Year 2 😁

Recycling Week

This week we have learning about Recycling and why it is so important. We all bought a plastic bottle and recycled them by turning them into animal plant pots/ pencil holders. Here are a few we’ve made.

This week in Year 2

This week in Year 2 😊

This week in Year 2

St George’s History Week

This week we have been learning all about the history of St Georges. We had a guest speaker – Mrs Smith come in to tell us all about St Georges over the years. Today, we went for a walk all around St Georges to look at the old buildings and what they used to be.

Lots of maths in Year 2 😊

Some amazing maths from the Year 2’s this week!


Homework is optional in Year 2. It is given out every Friday and should be returned at the latest on the following Wednesday, so it can be marked ready to go out again on the Friday.

We encourage the children to practise their spellings and times tables using Spelling Shed and Times Table Rockstar. Please find the website links on classroom apps section.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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