10.2.21 Literacy – Research a Roman Soldier’s Life

We are really enjoying the Roman topic in school, and we hope you are too. Your task today is to find out as much as you can about a Roman soldier’s life. We will be turning your research into a diary entry on Thursday, so find out as much as you can!

Here are some links to get you started:




You will need to remember the things that you find out, so try making some notes or labelled drawings of the information.

10.2.21 Maths

Take your learning outside…

Have fun looking for angles today on an angle treasure hunt!  Have a look around your house, inside and out, to see if you can find real-life examples of acute, obtuse or right angles. Perhaps you could sketch or photograph them to show us?

When you have done that, or if it’s far too cold for you outside…

Use the PowerPoint to make sure you can tell the difference between acute and obtuse angles.

Lesson Presentation Acute and Obtuse Angles Wednesday and Thursday

Have a go at identifying these angles:




9.2.21 Maths


We are looking more closely at right angles today. Remember to check the worksheets before you print -you might be able to do it straight from the screen.

Click the link below to take you to the video and the worksheets:

Right Angles

Literacy 9.2.21 Reading

Hello, Year 4!

Today, we are going to be finding out more about the Romans in our reading comprehension task.  Read the text carefully before answering the questions. Remember there are three levels of challenge, 1 star is the most straight-forward, so choose the one that is right for you.

The Romans (1 star Questions and Answers) The Romans (1 star)

The Romans (2 star Questions and Answers) The Romans (2 star)

The Romans (3 star Questions and Answers) The Romans (3 star)


As it is Safer Internet Day, we wanted to look at some ways that you can be safer online.

Have a look at this Powerpoint.  Think about your own internet friendships and how they can be improved or made safer.

Online friendship

The 100 Challenge: What can we learn from Captain Tom Moore?

Picture News Resource – Captain Sir Tom Moore Special

Following the sad news of Captain Sir Tom Moore’s death last week, Picture News released a special assembly resource that we wanted to share with the children at home.  The resource provides a brief look at his life and celebrates his achievements.

Inspired by Captain Tom, our Year 5 children in school are completing their own 100 lap challenge this week.  If you want to take part, you could use the sheet below to record your laps.

100 Lap Challenge

Perhaps running isn’t your thing, but you’re still up for a challenge. Can you think of any other challenges that you could do?

Read 100 books

Sing 100 songs

Complete 100 sit ups

Bake 100 cakes

Year 4 Timetable – Week beginning 8.2.21

Timetable Week 6

Here is the timetable for this week. Remember it’s just a guide, you can be flexible with it and complete the tasks in any order.

Literacy 8.2.21 Apostrophes

Today, we are looking at apostrophes to show possession.

Test your knowledge with this quiz:


This poster will remind you of the rules:


Have at look at these activities. There are 3 of them in total, 1 star = more straight forward, 3 star = more complicated. Choose the level of challenge to suit your confidence. Complete one, two or all three sheet!

t2-e-4430-history-hackers-roman-rescue-apostrophes-for-possess_ver_6 (1)


We have reached the end of another week of home learning and we are so proud of all of you.  We have had some fantastic work sent in and we all really enjoyed seeing some of you online yesterday at our Teams assemblies.

This week our stars are:


Isabelle P



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