Christmas Prayers

Year 4 have been writing their own Christmas prayers and wishes.  Here are just a few examples from all the thoughtful, reflective ideas that they had to share, combined into one Christmas prayer.

Dear God, 

Thank you for life. Thank you for the food, water and money that helps us live.

I want everybody to be grateful and kind.

Please help the poor and give them presents, even if it means you take some of our presents. 

I hope the world can be peaceful and relaxing. Give the homeless people on the roads food and make them happy. Please forgive everyone this Christmas. Thank you for everything you gave to us.

This Christmas, I hope for my family to be happy and the Covid 19 to go away. I hope everyone can meet their family and have a good Christmas.




Catch-up Classes

Well done to all the children in Year 4 who have attended the after school catch-up classes. It has been a pleasure to work with you all and we have been impressed by your dedication!

Noah’s Ark

The children in the Year 1 Pods have really enjoyed learning about Noah’s Ark this week. Here is some of their fabulous art work that shows the ark underneath the rainbow that was a symbol of God’s promise.

Year 1 Pods

What a fantastic first two days! The children in Year 1 have settled beautifully back into school and have produced some super art already. They have painted self-portraits and made cheerful rainbows.


Science and Geography

Hi Year 5,

It’s been a while since we studied Earth and Space in Science. I wonder how much you can remember? Have a look at the task below to find out!

Science Earth and Space

This Geography task will help you learn about time zones. It can be quite tricky to understand, so send your work in to the Year 5 email when you complete it. We’re waiting to be impressed!

CGP-KS2-Geography-Worksheets Time Zones


RE Charities

Our RE topic is Charity Work.

Here are some activities for you. You could work through them in order, or pick your favourites.

  1. How many different charities can you name? Write a list and see how long you can make it. E.G. Cuan Wildlife, Comic Relief…
  2. Consider: Why do we need charities? What work do they do? What would happen without them? Write down your thoughts or discuss it with a helpful adult.
  3. There is a saying:  Be the change you want to see in the world.   What does that mean? Design a poster to spread that message.
  4. Choose a charity to research. Find out who they help, why they do it, how they help etc. You can choose how to present your research: Powerpoint, poem, writing, poster.
  5. Invent your own charity. What would it do? Can you think of a name for your charity? How would you raise money?
  6. Design an advert for a real charity or your own charity. Plan what you would like to say. Act it out. Maybe you could record it?

Carrot Biscuits

As part of our VE Day preparations, children in school today will be making carrot biscuits. You can find the recipe by clicking on the link below. Perhaps you fancy trying some of your own wartime-style cookery today, using the ration recipes? If you do, we’d love to see some pictures of the things you have made!

The 1940s Experiment Wartime Recipes

Science: Freezing and Melting

Today, my little girl had a surprise in store for me when I opened the freezer.

Can you see what she had done?

“I wanted to see if my nail polish would freeze,” she explained. So…that got me thinking about freezing and melting.  Look at the links below to find out more about freezing and melting. If it’s OK with an adult at home, you could try the investigation out for yourself.

BBC Bitesize What are freezing and melting?

BBC Bitesize Freezing point and boiling point

Investigation: Which will freeze first?

If you fancy taking your science even further, take a look at these investigations… Projects about frozen liquids


Severn Trent Water Activities

Hello Year 5!

Have a look at this brilliant website all about water. It fits perfectly with our ‘Rivers and Water’ topic and it has so many different activities, you’re bound to be able to find at least one that you’d like to try. When you’ve had a go at something, we would love to hear all about it via the Year 5 email address. We really do enjoy hearing from you all!

Severn Trent Water Education Zone

Science – Changing Materials

This week’s science is all about materials that will dissolve.  Some solids will dissolve in water to form a solution. These materials are known as soluble.  Your challenge is to investigate which solids around your house will dissolve in water. Try mixing a small amount of the solid with water and observing what happens.  You could try: salt, sugar, sand, soil, flour, chalk…

(Remember to ASK AN ADULT before you raid the kitchen cupboards!)

It would be brilliant if you could do this practically, but if not, you could always research the answers instead.  The links below give you plenty of information to get you started.

BBC Bitesize What is dissolving?

BBC Bitesize Which materials dissolve in water?

We would love to hear what you have found out. You could take photographs, write up your investigation or create a table of your results – it’s up to you!

Extra Challenge:  Can you investigate whether those solids will dissolve in other liquids, such as cooking oil?

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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