Year 4 Art and History: Mosaics

Year 4 have made beautiful mosaics with Miss Schutte in Art lessons.


Year 4 RE A special visitor from Telford Central Mosque

Year 4 were lucky to meet Mrs Bhamji on Monday who taught us all about the 5 Pillars of Islam.  The children demonstrated our school values of respect, kindness and happiness throughout the talk. Well done, everyone!


Congratulations to all of Year 4 who have been working hard on their times tables this morning.  You have all made so much progress and should feel very proud of yourselves. We are certainly proud of you all!  A special congratulations to the children who are SO FAST that they have beaten Mrs Holt in a challenge today!

Year 4 Maths – Money, Money, Money!

Our Year 4 mathematicians have been learning about money, following on from our work on decimals.  We have some budding accountants and financial consultants in our midst!

Year 4 World Art Day

We have been artists and celebrated World Art Day this week. All the children took part in a drawing assembly and completed their artwork in class afterwards.

Year 4 History: Anglo-Saxon Homework Project

We would like say a huge ‘WELL DONE’ to all the children who have researched, drawn, made or written about Anglo-Saxon artefacts during the holidays. Your projects are absolutely fantastic!

Year 4 Easter Egg Hunt

A big thank you to Miss Harris for organising a fantastic Easter Egg Challenge today. The children had to solve times tables clues and use a map to find each egg.

Year 4 Maths: Fantastic Fractions!

Mrs Holt’s set worked really hard with the fraction cards today. Well done!

Year 4 History: Anglo-Saxon Day

What a brilliant day of Anglo-Saxon activities with Portal to the Past!

The children have enjoyed games and stories from Anglo-Saxon Britain. They have researched religion, everyday life, kings and kingdoms. The children who chose to dress up looked brilliant in their costumes, which added to the atmosphere of the day. The children demonstrated our school values of respect, responsibility and perseverance throughout the day. Well done, Year 4!


Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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