French Breakfast Club

We had a lot of happy children at Breakfast Club before half term. Madame Sohier hosted a delicious French themed breakfast, with help from all the Breakfast Club staff.  The children had the chance to read French magazines and play French games, too. Tres Bien!

Year 4 RE Rosh Hashanah

Today, we learned about the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah. We know that it is a time when Jews remember the creation of the world. The day is referred to as ‘the birthday of the world’. It is a time when people think about their faults of the past year. It is the custom at home to eat pieces of bread and apple dipped in honey, this represents the hope for a ‘sweet’ new year. We really enjoyed trying it!


Year 4 Geography: Erupting Volcanoes

We made our own volcanoes and made them ‘erupt’ using bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. Our Coke and Mentos version was good too, but we wish it had been an even bigger eruption! Today’s lesson helped us to understand how the magma rises to the surface and becomes lava when it erupts. We could see that volcanoes erupt due to a build up of pressure.

PE Year 4 Rugby

We would like to say a huge well done to all the children who took part in the rugby sessions on Monday.  Our rugby coach, Mia, is working with children on their reading in the morning and their PE in the afternoon.  Rugby sessions will continue every Monday until half term so please remember your PE Kit, including joggers, hat etc if the weather is cold.

Year 4 Science: Sound

Year 4 had great fun investigating how sounds are made. They used balloons, drums and salt to see and feel the vibrations happening! 

Year 4 Geography Revision

4H had fun completing the world jigsaw and colour-in map together. They showed great perseverance and team work skills!

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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