School Disco!

Year 3 & 4 thoroughly enjoyed their disco this week.  There aren’t any photographs because they were all so busy dancing and the pictures were a blur!  We were impressed by the children’s behaviour and their dance moves. Thank you to all the staff who stayed to help out, as well.

St George’s Worship Team

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The St George’s CE Primary school Worship Team met today. They had a very difficult task to do. They had to judge the Interfaith Week Design a Dove Competition! The winners will be announced very soon so watch this space.

In the meantime, you can read the minutes of our meeting on the Pupil Voice section of this website.

St George’s Worship Team

Digital Camera

The St George’s CE Primary school Worship Team met today. They had a very difficult task to do. They had to judge the Interfaith Week Design a Dove Competition! The winners will be announced very soon so watch this space.

In the meantime, you can read the minutes of our meeting on the Pupil Voice section of this website.

Year 4 RE

Year 4 have worked together to create something beautiful while revising their knowledge of the creation story shared by Jews and Christians.  (Genesis 1)  They loved responding creatively to the story. Their work was so good that we had to make TWO displays! Take a peek in the Year 4 corridor and 4W to see them.

Art and History: Roman Mosaics

The children had a lot of fun using technology to design their own modern day mosaics after researching Roman ones!

RE A visitor from the Shropshire Islamic Foundation.

These beautiful letters are in the post to Telford Central Mosque to thank Sulaiman for visiting our school. The children had lots of questions about the 5 Pillars of Islam to ask him. They listened respectfully with great interest. We all learned a lot more about our RE topic as a result.

Christingle Poem

This lovely acrostic poem was written independently by one of our children after we made Christingles this year.

Christ is the Light of the World

Help people who need help

Remember the day that Christ was born

I want to help people by doing a good deed

Support people when they need it

They are different parts of you

I hope Christ protects you on your journey

No ear may hear his coming

Go to church and pray

Lay on the cross was Christ

Everyone celebrates Him at Christmas

Y4 Science Non-Newtonian liquids

Year 4 had lots of fun yesterday exploring non-Newtonian liquids.  We mixed cornflour and water to make a ‘slime’ which behaves like a liquid until it is put under pressure, then it becomes solid.  The children loved watching the video of a man walking on custard, too. (We didn’t try this in school!)

RE Debates


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Digital Camera

Yesterday morning, the school hall was set up and ready to welcome our guests from other schools around Telford. We had a fantastic morning debating hot topics such as ‘Has the real meaning of Christmas been lost?’ with our Year 5 and 6 friends from HLC, Redhill Primary Academy, Donnington Wood CE Junior School, St Matthew’s, Wombridge Primary School and Wrockwardine Wood Junior School.  All the children behaved impeccably and represented their schools with pride and enthusiasm. We definitely have some future politicians in our schools! Thanks to everyone who took part and helped to make the morning a success.


RE Debates

Yesterday morning, the school hall was set up and ready to welcome our guests from other schools around Telford. We had a fantastic morning debating hot topics such as ‘Has the real meaning of Christmas been lost?’ with our Year 5 and 6 friends from HLC, Redhill Primary Academy, Donnington Wood CE Junior School, St Matthew’s, Wombridge Primary School and Wrockwardine Wood Junior School.  All the children behaved impeccably and represented their schools with pride and enthusiasm. We definitely have some future politicians in our schools! Thanks to everyone who took part and helped to make the morning a success.


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Digital Camera

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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