?Harvest Festival?

The Year 4 children produced this art work using observational drawing skills and a combination of pen, pastel and collage techniques. Some of the art was shown during the Harvest Festival Service at St George’s Church on 23rd September. The rest was too good to miss, so we made a display in the Year 4 corridor.

Digital Camera


Here are some close ups…

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Digital Camera

Year 4 Science – Super Circuits

✨✨✨We have had a lovely time making circuits with the electricity kits. ✨✨✨

Digital Camera

The Big Plastic Count

Year 4 are counting all the plastic that they throw away or recycle this week to help Greenpeace find more accurate figures for our Government.  Please help them complete their tally charts throughout the week and return the results to school on Monday 23nd May.


RE Year 6 Prayers for Peace

The children in Year 6 have produced some really thought-provoking prayers for peace, with their own beautiful illustrations.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera

PE and RE Dance Workshops

Year 4 had a brilliant time with Springs Dance Company. They created shapes and movements to represent each part of the Easter story. The children loved it and the dancers were very impressed by the children’s enthusiastic attitude and exemplary behaviour. Well done, Year Four! We are very proud of you. 👍😊

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Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Y4 Music

We had a lot of fun playing along to ‘World Famous Cooking Pot’ with tuned percussion instruments. We also used body percussion to make rhythms and sang the lyrics, too.

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Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Year 4 RE Home Learning 21/1/22

Your task is to research and make notes on Sikh beliefs and practices. You can choose how to present your findings -poster, Powerpoint, written notes or something more creative like a poem or piece of art.

You can find lots of information out by watching the videos on the BBC website. Click on the link below…

BBC Bitesize

Dancing Raisins -Year 4 Science

We used raisins in lemonade to observe the effect of gases in liquids.  We were very excited to see the raisins rise to the surface and sink repeatedly.

Year 4 Maths

We had fun this morning when we used counters to investigate factor pairs and prime numbers.

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Digital Camera
Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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