Year 4 Christingles

We have had lots of fun making Christingles in school today. Ask your children all about them, before they eat the sweets!  Christingles are traditionally made during Advent with an orange to represent the earth; red ribbon for Jesus’ blood ( a symbol of his sacrifice for mankind); cocktail sticks for the four seasons or compass points; fruit or sweets to represent the fruits of the earth and most importantly, a candle to shine like Jesus -the light of the world.

Digital Camera

PE and PSHE Home Learning

As part of Wellbeing Week, we are asking children to think about the variety of food that they eat.  Lots of different coloured fruits and vegetables are a crucial part of a balanced diet. We would like children to create a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. Draw a rainbow and put appropriately coloured items in each section. E.G Carrots in the orange part. You could draw the foods, write them in, use pictures from magazines or even arrange the real thing and take a photo. (Ask permission before you raid the fruit bowl or cupboard though!)

You can also compete in these ACTIVE CHALLENGES…

Send your work to

Collective Worship

Mrs Sixsmith was preparing for collective worship in the hall today with the Year 1 bubble. We are all very happy to be able to gather together, in our bubbles, once again. Hopefully, this is the beginning of assemblies returning to how they used to be!

Sacred Spaces

Year 4 have been designing and making sacred places in their RE lesson. They are designing rooms for different religions to share for worship.

Sacred Spaces

Today, we started work on our sacred spaces. The children had lots of ideas of how to make the rooms special! We had a lot of different materials to work with. Thank you for sending things in for us.

Year 4 need your recycling!

Next week, Year 4 will be taking part in two exciting topics that involve making things!  We are making mini greenhouses in Design Technology and sacred places in RE.  If you have any of the following items that you no longer need, please can you send them to school with your child by Tuesday 15th June.

  • shoeboxes/lids
  • large plastic bottles
  • plastic punnets (from strawberries etc)
  • fabric
  • wrapping paper
  • any other recycling that would be suitable for making models

Thank you so much for your support with this. We are really looking forward to sharing some photos of our finished projects with you!

Football Day

There were lots of smiling faces on Football Day -here are just a few!


Your child will bring home spellings as part of their homework. Please support them with learning their words at home. If you have any questions about spelling, your child’s teachers will be happy to help.


Children in school have been hearing all about Pentecost in Collective Worship, as we draw close to the Whitsun half term holiday.  What a fantastic, exciting part of the Bible story!



Times Table Rockstars

Remember to keep practising your multiplication facts on TTRS over half term.

Can you answer in less than 6 seconds?

Challenge your friends!

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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