Palm Crosses

This week, your child will be bringing home a palm cross, which has been kindly provided by St Georges Church. Every year, at our Easter Service, the children receive this symbol that represents Jesus’ entry in to Jerusalem. Unfortunately, due to Covid 19, we are unable to congregate in the church this year. But rest assured, we will be celebrating Easter in school, in our bubbles, instead!

Roman Mosaics

The children have been working hard on their mosaics. They had a lot of fun making them!

The Colours of the Church Year

This fantastic display in the hall keeps us all up to date with the Christian calendar. As Lent draws to an end, the children and staff are looking forward to our Easter Celebrations in school!


As our latest round of home school comes to an end, we wanted to thank you all for your hard work – children, parents and carers!  You have done a tremendous job!

Our Stars of the Week, from home and school, are:

🎇 Grace      🎇 Chloe-Ann     🎇 Liberty

See you all next week! 😊




📕📖🎚 World Book Day Assembly🎚📖📗

If you want to share the experience of a World Book Day assembly, you can find it on the official website by clicking on this link: World Book Day

A prayer for World Book Day.

Dear God,

We thank you for the power of a good book to transport us to new places and to give us new experiences.
We thank you for the creativity of authors and illustrators in creating books for us to enjoy.
We are thankful for our own ability to read and to imagine.
We thank you for the people who have helped us to enjoy reading and for our education.


(Full assembly text can be found at


Virtual Assembly- Why should we plant trees?

This is our assembly theme for the week.

We have also enjoyed watching forest clips on BBC Winterwatch again, to support our mental health and wellbeing.

Our Bible story is Jesus and Zacchaeus (Luke 19) which is about a tax collector who hides in a tree to be able to see Jesus.

11.2.21 Maths

Angles in Shapes

Watch this video to remind yourself of the things we have learned this week. (It goes into detail about the degrees inside shapes – but don’t worry too much about that yet.)

Have a go at the activity below:

Quadrilateral Angles Activity Sheet Thursday

If you are really confident and fancy an extra challenge:

Horizontal Format Acute and Obtuse Angles Thursday Challenge (1)

(Here are the answers…)

Horizontal Format Acute and Obtuse Angles Thursday Challenge Answers (2)



11.2.21 Literacy

Today, you will become a Roman soldier!

Using your research from yesterday, we would like you to put yourself in the shoes of a Roman soldier in Britain and write a diary entry as that soldier.

Remember to

  • write in the first person (use I and we)
  • describe the jobs that you have been doing (collecting taxes, guarding forts, marching, training, fighting)
  • talk about some of the objects that you have (armour, sandals, money, food, weapons)
  • include some thoughts and feelings (E.G. Britain was cold and they were far from home)

You could start like this:

Dear Diary, 

Today has been another typical day in my legion. 

Virtual Assembly – Why do people choose to climb mountains?

This week, we have been thinking about the comfort and challenges that nature can provide.

Have watched any of the BBC Winterwatch clips?  They are fantastic for boosting mental health and wellbeing, especially for people who can’t get out into nature easily. See for yourself, using this link:

We have also found about this group of Nepalese climbers and their fantastic achievement:



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