Home Learning 01.04.22

Good morning!


Happy Friday! We hope you’re doing okay. Here are the home learning activities for today:



Play these two games to practise telling the time:


Today we are learning to add the -ed ending to words ending in ‘y’.

Look at the slides then complete the sheet.


Ad -ed worksheet

It’s April Fool’s Day today! Watch the video and visit the website to learn more about April Fool’s Day.


Have a look at these jokes and tell them to someone at home. Can you think of your own joke?

Joke cards


We hope you enjoy the activities! Have a great weekend 🙂

Home Learning 29.03.22


Good morning!

We hope you’re doing okay. Here are the home learning activities for today:



Today, we are learning to tell the time to the nearest half an hour. Click on the picture to watch the video from yesterday to remind yourself about how to tell the time to the nearest hour and half an hour.

How to tell the time - BBC Bitesize

After that, scroll down the page to complete the activity and quiz.

If you made your own clock yesterday, you could use that to practise telling the time to the nearest half an hour, or use the interactive clock below:

Telling the Time Resources: Free Tools & Games • EdGlue

Now, look at the clocks on the sheet and tell the time to the nearest half an hour. If you fancy a challenge, look at the ‘Spot the Difference’ and ‘Which Clock?’ questions.

Tuesday Maths Home Learning



Today, we are starting to write an information text about Florence Nightingale. We’re going to write the first two paragraphs.

Click on the picture below to watch a video to remind yourself about Florence Nightingale.

What is your heading going to be?

Underneath your heading, write two sentences to explain who Florence Nightingale was and why she is famous.

Now, click on the picture below to watch a video about Florence Nightingale’s childhood. Watch up to 2:15 and make some notes.

Use your notes to write your second paragraph. You could use the sub-heading ‘Childhood’.



We are learning to locate England and the Galapagos Islands.

Go on Google Earth. Can you locate England and the Galapagos Islands?

Now, draw a red cross on the map to show where England and the Galapagos Islands are. Can you draw a route between the two places?

Tuesday Geography Home Learning

Which oceans will you cross on your journey?


We hope you enjoy the home learning activities 🙂

DT – Travelling in Style

In DT, we’ve been designing, creating and evaluating our own vehicles. Thank you for bringing in boxes and containers for us to use. Here are some of the amazing creations that we’ve made in school and at home.

World Religion Day

Year 2 have been learning about Islam to celebrate World Religion Day this Sunday.

Friday’s Work for Children at Home

Hello and Happy Friday!

We hope you’re feeling okay. Here are some activities for you to do if you’re learning at home.



Today we’re learning about making equal groups by sharing.

Watch the video https://vimeo.com/49260327.


Now, complete the sheet. You could use objects you have at home rather than counters, for example you could use stones from the garden or some of your favourite toys.

Numeracy 14.01.22



Can you remember the four different types of sentences? Watch this video to remind yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_foMADqjSc .

Today, we’re focusing on question marks and exclamation marks. Watch the video and do the activity about question marks https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z8x6cj6/articles/zcm3qhv . Now, watch the video and do Activity 1 about exclamation marks https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zmtpscw.

Complete the sheet Literacy 14.01.22



Next Tuesday we’re going to be making vehicles out of junk modelling materials (cereal boxes, toilet roll tubes, bottles, yoghurt pots and much more).

Today, you’re going to design a vehicle. Can you include axels and wheels that make your vehicle move? What shape of body will your vehicle have? How are you going to decorate it?


We hope you have a great day and enjoy the home learning activities 🙂

Year 2 Special Mentions

A huge congratulations to the children who have received special mentions certificates for this half term. We’re so proud of you, keep up the excellent work!

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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