Friday activities 📕💚

Letters and sounds  

Our phase 3 phoneme today is X. Watch this lesson and join in with the sounds. Try your best to sound out the words.

Here is a link to our phase 3 tricky words song.

Have a go at this activity sheet. Colour in the pictures that have the ‘x’ sound in. Remember to take a photo and send it to our email address.

x activity sheet

If you want to try and have a go at this worksheet, it will help you practise your blending.

Winter blending


Watch this video of Miss Hedges and join in with the counting. Then see if you can have a go at drawing one more acorn on the worksheet.

One more worksheet


Listen to the story read by Miss Hedges. It is about a Penguin called Dudley. Can you try and draw a penguin and tell me a fact about penguins. It could be where they live? What they like to eat? Or it might be a fact about Dudley. Send us a picture of your work so we can see what you have found out about Penguins.

Active challenge: 

We want you to have a go at copying the dance moves from the video. Remember it is so important to move our bodies and stay healthy.

Thursday activities!

Good Morning Reception!

We have been blown away with some of the work you are doing at home! Well done from all of the Reception teachers.

Today we would like you to have a go at the following activities:

Letters and sounds-  Watch Geraldine the giraffe as she hunts for things with the phoneme ‘w’.

Can you look around your house and find anything with the w sound in it? Maybe you could go for a wintery walk.

Maths: Have a go at finding the cheeky dinosaurs in this PowerPoint as we add one more. 

Hide- a-saurus!

Afternoon activity: 

Can you follow squiglet to draw a wintery snowman. We would like you to practise your letter formation for the letter s. Remember to sit your letters on the line!


Active challenge of the day! 

Miss Hedges would love to see how long you can hold your balance on 1 leg for! Send me a picture of you holding your balance and how long you managed to stand still for!

Hope you all have a lovely day!

Wednesday Afternoon task!

Hi everyone in Reception!

I hope you are all having a good go at the letters and sounds work and maths work for today.

This afternoon I would love you to have a look through this PowerPoint all about winter. Can you have a go at writing the word Winter on a piece of paper. Then draw some of the things that you might see or need to play outside on a wintery day. It could be a hat, a snowman, a pair of gloves or something different. I would love to see a picture of your drawings! Any work that you want us to see please send to 

Signs of Winter PowerPoint  t-t-17185-all-about-winter-powerpoint-_ver_1 

Home Learning!

Good Morning Reception!

Happy new Reception! We hope you have had a lovely break over the holidays. Now it is time to get your brains in gear and do some brilliant learning from home. It is a bit different at the moment and we hope that you will find the activities fun and enjoyable.

We will be using a combination of teacher videos and also videos from “Oak Academy” it is an online learning format that will guide you through different lessons. We will be posting the links for the lessons each day.

Please feel free to email us any pictures or videos of you learning at home. We would love to see them!



Tuesday Letters and sounds

Hi Reception!


Our phoneme today is J. Watch this video of Mrs Garraway and try to join in!


j lesson



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