Learning the ‘m’ sound

This week in nursery we are learning the sound ‘m’, to say the sound you put your lips together and make the mmmmm sound mmmm. Our items for What’s in the box this week are moon, marble, monkey and mouse, please practise saying these words with your child and see what other items you can find around the house with the initial sound m.

Do you want to build a snowman?

Nursery did! Last week the children were very excited that it had snowed, after wrapping up warm we ventured outside to work as a team to create a snowman on the nursery playground, the children discussed what they would like to use as features and excitedly gathered sticks for arms, a carrot for his nose and pine cones for his buttons and eyes.

It’s been a waddling week in nursery!

Last week in nursery we have focused our learning on penguins and cold climates, we have shared many stories with penguins in and discussed their features. The children have loved the story ‘Lost and Found’ in which a little boy becomes friends with a penguin. We painted penguins and made toilet roll penguins to create our wonderful Lost and Found display.

This weeks sound is n

This week in nursery we are learning the sound ‘n’ to say the sound you open your lips a bit; put your tongue behind your teeth and make the nnnnnnn sound nnnnnn. Our items for What’s in the box this week are nurse, nose, net, nest, please practise saying these words with your child and see what other items you can find around the house with the initial sound n.

This weeks sound is ‘i’

This week in nursery we are recapping the sound i as we found it a little tricky the week before Christmas. You make the i sound by pulling your lips back and making the i sound at the back of your mouth i i i. Our items for what’s in the box are insect, invitation, igloo and iguana, please practice these words with your child at home, the i sound is a little difficult and the children are finding these items tricky to say.


In nursery we have been welcoming the new children and helping them with the routine of the day, we have also begun to learn about the season of winter with a focus of how to keep ourselves warm as the weather changes. The children have had a fabulous time extending their vocabulary while playing winter matching pairs.

The Forest, a fire and marshmallows!

Last week we went for our last session of the year in the woods, as we have all learned how to keep ourselves and our friends safe we had a campfire and ate some toasted marshmallows in digestive biscuits! We all had a great time discussing the things we like about Forest School and can’t wait to go again next year!

Christmas has arrived in Nursery!

Last week in nursery we were very busy! We finished off our learning about space and began to decorate for Christmas. The children have had a brilliant time putting up the decorations, sharing Christmas stories and have loved beginning to use our new Christmas activity stations.

This weeks sound is ‘p’

This week in nursery we are learning the ‘p’ sound. You can make the sound by bringing your lips together then pushing them open to say p p p. Our items in what’s in the box this week are pencil, pizza, peg and penguin. Please practise this sound with your child and say the items shown below, you could help them look around your house to see if you can find anything else beginning with this sound.

Learning about space

Last week we focused on Aliens and space, the children enjoyed the stories we shared, they counted aliens in a flying saucer, developed their vocabulary on colours and features when playing alien matching pairs while learning to taking turns with their friends and made their own aliens to play with on our space investigation station!

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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