This weeks sound is ‘t’

This week we are learning the sound ‘t’, we make the sound by opening our lips then putting the tip of our tongue behind our teeth and pressing to make the t t t sound. The items we have in our what’s in the box game are teddy, toast, tiger and teeth. Please encourage your child to make the ‘t’ sound at home and to talk about items beginning with the ‘t’ sound.

Autumn learning

Last week we learned all about the season of Autumn, we discussed the leaves going brown and falling from the trees and what the weather is like at this time of year. The children, and staff loved our song of the week ‘Autumn Chicka Boom’.

Our focus text was The Leaf Thief in which a squirrel gets very stressed that someone is stealing his leaves, he tries lots of things to relax after his friend bird had taught him about Autumn, although he then becomes worried that someone has stolen the grass as it has snowed! The children had a wonderful time gathering fallen leaves and turning them into leaf lanterns to help squirrel relax.

Bonfire night and Fireworks!

This week we have been learning about Autumn with a focus on bonfire night. We have shared stories and created our own firework pictures using toilet rolls and paint, when our pictures had dried the adults set off some indoor star cannons so we could add some sparkle to our pictures! There was a loud popping noise then hundreds of stars fell from the air, it was great fun!

This weeks sound is ‘a’

This week in letters and sounds we are learning the letter ‘a’. We say the sound by opening our mouths wide and making the a sound at the back of our mouths a a a. Our items in ‘what’s in the box?’ are ant, apple, arrow and astronaut. Please practise the sound with your child at home and see what you can find around the house beginning with the ‘a’ sound, we would love you to add any home learning your child does to their Tapestry account so we can celebrate together!

Learning the s sound

Last week we learned the sound ‘s’ we made the sound by showing our teeth and letting the s hiss out sssss sssss. The items we focused on when playing ‘What’s in the box’ were been a sock, sun, star and snake, we all made a brilliant effort to say the sound and the item names! Please practise this sound with your child and see if they can find anything in your home with the ‘s’ initial sound.


In nursery we have learned about the festival of Diwali, after watching and discussing the festival of light on ‘My First Festivals’ we made brightly coloured decorative lanterns with our friends. Everyone in nursery was very proud of the lanterns they produced and thought they look fabulous in nursery!

Forest school

Nursery had a brilliant first session of Forest School last week, they learned how to explore the woods safely while having fun with their friends and began to develop a passion and respect for nature!

After playing and sheltering from the rain we returned to nursery and saw the most beautiful rainbow while reflecting on our woodland experiences.


Last week nursery had a wonderful time learning about Autumn with a focus on pumpkins, we shared books including pumpkin soup, That’s when I’m happy and Brave Bitsy and the bear. We also discussed what we had been doing in half term, investigated both the insides and outside of pumpkins, counted seeds and created lots of pumpkin art!


For our last week of learning about our homes we had a focus on our bedrooms, the children had a fabulous time counting sheep to help them sleep, sharing stories with a focus on bedrooms and designing their own duvets and pyjamas using collage and printing!

Kitchen week

Last week in nursery we learned all about kitchens, we discussed food that we like, what happens in our kitchens at home, mixed recipes, created kitchen art, shared lots of stories, made fruit and vegetables talk using ChatterPix kids, and used kitchen items in our ‘Sink or Float’ game show with Wonder Whittaker!

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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