Our favourite nursery rhymes

Here in nursery we love singing, below are some of our favourite songs that you may want to sing at home, you could even teach your family the words and actions!

The wheels on the bus

Row, row, row your boat


Baa, baa, black sheep

Incy Wincy spider


Our favourite action songs

Here in nursery we love singing, below are some of our favourite songs that you may want to sing at home, you could even teach your families the words and actions!

There was a crocodile


The funky monkey


The Freeze song

Heads, shoulders, knees and toes

Our favourite number songs

Here in nursery we love singing, below are some of our favourite songs that you may want to sing at home, you could even teach your families the words and actions!

Count to ten with our friends


Five little monkeys jumping on the bed

Five little ducks

Ten fat sausages

Five little speckled frogs

We had a squeaky clean time in nursery last week!

As we have begun to learn about different rooms in our house, last weeks focus was on bathrooms. We had brilliant fun investigating soap, washing dolls, sharing stories and discussing all of the things we do in our bathrooms at home, and at school! Our nursery rhyme of the week was Row, row, row your boat and we had our first game show with Wonder Whittaker of Sink or Float? The children predicted what would sink or float brilliantly and we all had a fabulous time!


It’s been a cracking week in nursery!

Over the last week our learning has been focused on the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty, we have had a fabulous time learning the rhyme, building walls, sharing stories with eggs in, creating pictures using paint and collage, finding and ordering egg numbers and we had many egg and spoon races on the nursery playground!

Puppet Theatre

Nursery are very excited about their new puppet theatre, they have had a fabulous day using the puppets, practising plays and performing for their friends, they cannot wait to perform more shows next week in nursery!

British Values

This week in nursery the children have learned about voting, each week on a Friday the children experience how to vote by all place their names above their favourite book of the week. The book with the most votes is the story we read on a Friday.

The majority of children chose Marvin gets mad as their favourite story of the week, what super voting nursery! Well done!


Nursery Rhymes

This week in nursery we have begun to learn the nursery rhyme Baa baa black sheep, the children have had a wonderful time singing, counting bags of wool, making sheep, discussing textures and learning about all of the wonderful uses of wool!


Our first week in nursery

All of the children have settled into nursery brilliantly, we have had lots of fun exploring the base, making new friendships and taking part in many activities including register time, painting, small world play, interactive stories, letters and sounds, daily draw, making play dough, water painting and bike riding outside, we have been very busy!

Caterpillar art and crafts

The nursery children have been very busy creating caterpillar masterpieces!

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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