Observing nature

When gardening on the nursery playground the children were very excited to find some eggs! After extensive discussions and an investigation about what eggs they could be, we thought they were slug eggs, as we found out that wood lice do not lay eggs. We decided that we would check on them every day that we are in school.

When checking our eggs a few days later we saw one had hatched, to our surprise we saw a tiny little snail!

Over the last week we have loved checking the eggs and we are very happy that our snail is growing well!

we can’t wait to see if some more hatch!

It is fun to be fit!

The children have been making the most of their daily time on the running track and have impressed themselves and the nursery team at how many laps they can do around the field. Super work nursery!

The Penguin Song

In nursery we have loved learning the words, singing and following the actions to the penguin song by the learning station.

Here is the song we have been using,  it would be super if you tried it at home, remember to sing the words and do the actions.







It has been a waddling couple of weeks in nursery!

For the last couple of weeks in nursery we have been learning all about Winter and animals that like to live in cold climates. As the children expressed an interest in penguins we have leaned lots of penguin facts and made a display, focusing on the book Lost and Found, where a little boy finds a penguin so they go on an adventure to the South Pole. We have loved studying penguin features and creating our own lolly stick penguins and painted penguins for our display.

Happy New Year!

This week in nursery we have all settled back in brilliantly and welcomed some new children too! We have loved discussing what we have done during our Winter break and what we would like to do throughout this new year. We have talked about the weather being much colder and thought about how we can keep ourselves warm as it is now Winter. We also had lots of fun and laughs using the Purple Mash Cams to make our calendars.


For the next few weeks within nursery we will be learning about the season of Winter. Your child will begin to discuss the cold weather during Winter and ways in which they can keep themselves warm whilst experiencing seasonal changes.

3,886 Cartoon Of The Children Playing Snow Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

During our topic we will be sharing stories with a Winter focus, singing new songs, learning about animals living in cold conditions, exploring ice, Winter role-play and producing lots of art including light and dark paintings, collages and junk modelling igloos.

Please encourage your child to talk about what they have been learning in school. We will share our learning on the school website in the nursery news section and on Tapestry, where you can add your fabulous learning experiences from home too!


Phase One Phonics

Phonics - Sound and District Primary School

Within nursery we follow the Letters and Sounds Phonics Scheme, focusing on Phase One.

What is phase 1 phonics?

Phase one phonics focuses primarily on developing speaking and listening skills that will create the foundation to a lot of your children’s further learning.

Aspects we will cover within nursery this term are

Aspect One Environmental Sounds, activities include hearing sounds on a walk, making sounds with natural materials and joining in with actions and singing in songs and nursery rhymes.

Aspect Two Instrumental Sounds, including distinguishing sounds between different instruments and playing instruments louder and quieter.

Aspect Three Body Percussion, activities include joining in with action songs, copying body sounds such as clapping and repeating patterns.

Aspect Four Rhythm and Rhyme, including moving to the beat, clapping syllables, joining in with rhyming stories and finding rhyming pairs.

Aspect Five, Alliteration, including activities where children can develop their ability to hear and say the initial sounds in words and identify objects with the same initial sound.



Our amazing fruit!

Last week in nursery we got one of natures buy one, get one free! We were all very excited as we got the biggest banana we have ever seen in our snack fruit. When we opened it we were amazed to see two bananas that could be separated so two children happily had them for their snack!

Christmas has arrived in nursery!

Over the last week in nursery we have all worked as a team to make our classroom festive. We have developed our scissor skills and colour recognition by making paper chains to hang around the classroom and all had great fun decorating our nursery Christmas tree!

People who help us in the wider community

In nursery we have been learning about all of the people who help us out of school, in the wider community. We have thought of many people including our family members, doctors, nurses, dentists, mechanics, public transport drivers, construction workers, police and many more. We then painted pictures of some of the wonderful people we had thought of.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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