World art day in nursery!

On Monday we celebrated world Art day. We began by watching CBeebies  ‘Small Potatoes Art’ in which we learned about the many different art processes and creations. We then discussed what we would like to do to create our own art pieces. The children had a wonderful time expressing themselves on paper!


Story vocabulary in nursery

In nursery we have a ‘story of the week’. This week’s story is Jaspers Beanstalk written by Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen. The children are really enjoying learning about how plants grow and the importance of having patience. Throughout the week we use story widgets to sequence the story and to play matching pairs so we can learn all of the new vocabulary the story provides.

Nursery making play dough!

In nursery we make our own play dough. With the help of Miss Lees the children follow the recipe and take turns brilliantly when stirring the mixture to produce the dough. When the stirring is complete the mixture is placed in the mircowave until it becomes the right consistency. The nursery children are always amazed at how the liquid changes into a mouldable dough and love playing with it when it has cooled!

Nursery’s Easter learning

Before Easter the nursery children had a wonderful time drawing patterned eggs, making cards, sharing Easter stories and painting egg cups. They even did their very own Easter egg hunt on the nursery playground in which they all needed to find and count five eggs. After trying hot cross buns we were all ready to spend some time with our families during the Easter holiday.

Red Nose Day in nursery!

Nursery had a wonderful day for Red Nose Day, they all loved dressing up and had a brilliant time on the field taking penalty kicks against Shropshire radios Adam Green! In the afternoon we made our own red noses out of crumpets and jam. We learned all about the history of crumpets and decided if we like the taste of the traditional British crumpet!


Career aspirations day in nursery!

Last week in nursery we had a special visitor. Mrs Lees came in to tell us all about the wonderful world of hairdressing! She told us all about the changes in hairdressing over the years, showed us her tools of the trade and even let the children hold the clippers while they were turned on! Mrs Lees told us the thing she likes most about hairdressing is helping peoples happiness and well-being by making them feel good about themselves. Later on in the afternoon the children all drew a picture of what jobs they would like when they are adults.

Nursery’s bouncy, bursting balloons!

The children had a wonderful time playing with balloons. They ran around with their friends seeing how high they could get them in the air and tried their best to catch them. When the balloons burst the children made sure that the wildlife would not be injured as they collected all of the pieces and put them in the bin!

Nursery’s marvellous Mother’s Day learning!

The children really enjoyed focusing on the book ‘Mummy and Me’ written by Emma Chichester-Clark. Throughout the week we played story matching pairs, coloured flower bouquets and made a little surprise for our Mums or Nans in the form of a card and coaster.

World Book Day in Nursery!

The nursery children and staff had a fabulous day dressing up today! We have shared many stories, discussed our favourite books and been to our ‘buddy reading’ class in year 5.

Nursery love Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle!

Created by Shonette at Spread the Happiness, Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle uses neurological and physiological movements to create marks. Each week in nursery we do a new squiggle action to develop our abilities. The children absolutely love following the movements with their flappers and have lots of fun!

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