Nursery’s pancake PE

This week in PE the nursery children had a wonderful time flipping pretend pancakes and having pancake races. They used all of their strength to see how high they could flip their pancake and ran like the wind when it was their turn to race!

Nursery’s Tell a Fairy Tale Day

On Monday we had Mrs Foxley in Nursery to read the children a traditional fairy tale. They all sat beautifully, listened and answered questions about the story we were very proud of them! In the afternoon we discussed the features and of a traditional fairy tale while colouring horses, castles or princesses.

Nursery’s perfect pancake week!

This week in nursery we have been focusing on shrove Tuesday and the book ‘Mr Wolf’s pancakes’ written by Jan Fearnley. Throughout the week we have had lots of fun looking at recipes to make pancakes in Mr Wolf’s kitchen. We have practised tossing pancakes, tasted pancakes, made silly pancake faces using scissors and played story matching pairs. It has been a busy week!

Nursery, Wonder Whittaker and the dragon fruits!

As it is the year of the dragon on the Chinese zodiac the nursery children have been investigating dragon fruits! Wonder Whittaker arrived with some mysterious fruits for the children to identify and taste. They had a wonderful time looking, smelling and tasting them. We were all amazed that two of the same named fruits could be so different in appearance, smell and taste!

Nursery’s Lunar New Year learning

The nursery children have loved learning about the Luna new year. We have shared stories of the great race, found out the zodiac animal for their birth year, visited and worked in the Chinese restaurant and played matching pairs to develop our vocabulary of Chinese traditions. As it is the year of the dragon we have made dragon masks and gone on a parade around school as well as doing dragon dancing in PE!

Nursery’s super story teller!

Nursery absolutely loved having Peter Chand in to tell us some of his fabulous stories. They all listened brilliantly, followed the actions and sat beautifully. We were very proud of them and all had lots of fun!

Nursery’s wonderful waddling week!


The nursery children have loved learning about penguins. We focused on the book ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers, a story about a boy and a penguin and their growing friendship. Throughout the week we have played with small world penguins, shared stories, learned about penguins in the wild and played ‘Lost and Found’ matching pairs. We have also created penguins using many different techniques including painting, drawing, cutting out and junk modelling!

Nursery love penguin PE!

Nursery loved being penguins in PE this week. We warmed up to a penguin action song, then each had a bean bag egg to try and waddle with on their feet, it was very tricky! When the bean bags were put away the children were swimming penguins while the adults were whales trying to eat them! The only place the penguins were safe was on the iceberg mats. They had a brilliant time swimming to safety and lots of fun!

Nursery meeting an author!


The nursery children loved meeting a real author on Wednesday. They learned all about how books are written, illustrated, published and transported to be sold in shops and borrowed from libraries. The children sat beautifully and listened while Donna David read us some of her own stories. We loved one of them that much Miss Whittaker got a copy for us to read in nursery!


Winter weather exploration for nursery!

The nursery children have loved exploring the winter weather this week. We have discussed the daily weather conditions and learned about how to keep warm when playing outside by playing matching pairs, holding discussions and sharing stories.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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