Christmas in Nursery

This week in nursery we have been getting ready for Christmas. We have had a wonderful time making cards, decorations, reindeer food and playing traditional party games. We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and cannot wait to see all of the children in the New Year!

Nursery’s Christingles

The children in nursery have really enjoyed making their first Christingle. They learned all about what the different parts represented. They were most intrigued with gods creations and pleased that Jesus blood was actually red tape! Well done nursery!

Nursery had a great time at the pantomime!


The nursery children had a wonderful time at the Christmas pantomime, they all sat beautifully and interacted brilliantly. For some of them it was their first ever pantomime experience. They loved using ‘pantomime language’ and found it very funny!

Nursery’s Winter walk!

During the cold weather the children have loved exploring the icy conditions in the school grounds. They have discussed temperatures, frost, fog, ice, melting and shadows.

Nursery have given Mr Skinny Legs a fond farewell for Winter!

This week we have had a spider week in nursery. After noticing our spider was looking tired and didn’t really want holding the children decided he should stay in the shed for winter. Throughout the week we have carried out many activities to create our own spiders using paper, paint, crayons and clay!

Nursery’s brilliant, bouncy PE!

For PE we had a warm up then Miss Whittaker got the balls from the cupboard for us to roll or throw to our partner. All of the children had a brilliant time and really worked on their throwing and catching techniques!

It has been a sparking time in nursery!

For part of our ‘Light and Dark’ topic the children have loved talking about fireworks, we have shared our knowledge of fireworks to create a mind map of colours, noises and shapes. They then used paint to create their own firework picture while discussing colour mixing. When the pictures had dried Miss Lees set off some indoor star cannons so the children could add stars and sparkle to their pictures.

Wonder Whittaker in Nursery

Last week the nursery children had their first visit from Wonder Whittaker! Wonder Whittaker was wondering what was in the white pumpkin as it was so heavy. All of the children gathered round to see why the white pumpkin was much heavier than the orange one. After cutting them in half we had some fabulous discussions about why the white one was heavier. We think it was because the inside ‘flesh’ was thicker. We then took them outside to have a closer look while spooning out the middle.

Remembrance Day in nursery

Today we learned about the importance of Remembrance Day, the children showed their respect by having a two minutes silence while watching ‘Poppies’ on CBeebies. Throughout the day we completed many poppy activities.

Autumn learning in Nursery

In nursery we have been learning about Autumn, we have discussed signs of Autumn, shared stories, played matching pairs, coloured pictures and enjoyed many other activities.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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