Caterpillar to butterfly lifecycle learning

In nursery the children have loved learning about the lifecycle of a caterpillar to butterfly, here are some of the activities they have been enjoying!


Reading groups

Last week in our reading groups we read ‘The haircut!’ The children enjoyed exploring the books, looking at the title page, the blurb on the back, turning the pages, discussing what was happening on each page and talking about the beginning, middle and the end of the story. We then discussed our own experiences of hair cutting!

Sports day

The nursery children really enjoyed sports day, they tried their best in all of the races and had such fun, we were all very proud of them. During the week in nursery they made their certificates adding their name and drawing a picture of their favourite race!

Air conditioning fun!

Last week some of the children realised that if they held the tissue paper in front of the air conditioning vents they could make it fly across the room! They had so much fun and did several tests to see how far or high it would go depending on the amount of tissue paper they held up or how tightly they had packed it together! After they had finished they all did a wonderful job of tidying up. What wonderful investigating nursery, well done!

Caterpillar delivery!

Last week in nursery we were all excited to receive our caterpillars in the post, they were very small as they had just hatched! We discussed our knowledge of caterpillar to butterfly life cycles from the Eric Carle book of The Hungry Caterpillar. All of the children gently passed them round to have a good look at them.

Animal matching!

This week in nursery we have been using our observational skills to match the right fur, scales or skin to the correct animal, the children have had a wonderful time discussing the patterns, skins and textures they can see to match them to the correct animal!

Zoo animals

Nursery have loved beginning to learn about the animals you would find in a zoo or safari park, they have been making animal noises and actions with our small world safari, made toilet roll animals, played story matching pairs, shared many animal stories and started to do observational drawings of wild animals.


Chick, chick, chick, chick, chickens!

Nursery were thrilled to meet the chicks last week, they all sat beautifully and stayed brilliantly calm around them. The children loved asking ‘mother hen, Mrs Garraway’ questions about the chicks and learning about their life cycle, well done nursery!

Adventure playground fun!

Lately the nursery children have loved going to the adventure playground, they have a brilliant time being active and brave in the open air with their friends while having a good go at climbing, swinging and jumping on and off the equipment.

Reading groups

Last week in our reading groups we read ‘Look Out!’ The children enjoyed exploring their own book, looking at the title page and blurb on the back, turning the pages, discussing what was happening on each page and talking about the beginning, middle and the end of the story when sharing their favourite part with their friends.

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