Well done Reception!

The Reception staff would like to say a huge well done to all of our wonderful Reception children this week for settling in to school so wonderfully. We are so proud of how well they have come in in the morning, how well they are sitting together on the carpet and how well they have all been with the new routines in school. We can’t wait to see everyone for our first full week next week.

Well Done Year 6 - St Vincents R.C. Primary School


We have been learning about maps and also positional language during the last couple of weeks in Maths. We also had to follow our friends instructions to try and draw a house exactly the same as our friends. Here are some photos of what we have been up to!


Reception have been busy drawing daffodils!

This week our story of the week is Bloom by Anne Booth. We are doing lots of work about flowers, drawing them, investigating them and talking about the different parts of a plant. Yesterday morning the children did a wonderful job of copying a YouTube video to learn how to draw a daffodil. Look at our wonderful drawings!

Reception’s bee writing

This week, one of our pictures of the day was of a bee tending a honeycomb. We thought this was a beautiful picture and we chose to do some writing about it. The children came up with their own sentences and tried hard to use all the skills we have been practising recently when writing. We are trying to remember to use the sounds we know to write words, remember how to write some of the tricky words, use capital letters, to use full stops and use gaps between each word. It’s a lot to remember and we are doing really well.

Reception Maths – To 20 and beyond!

This week we have been learning all about the numbers 10-20. We used numicon to show the pattern of the 10s digit and the 1s digit to make the numbers 11-20. We also matched pictures with different representations of the numbers and ordered them, played games, used numicon to make numbers and ordered birthday cards on a number line and took one away to identify which number was missing. Well done everyone. Here are some photos of our work this week.

Reception’s music lessons with Mrs Beech

Reception have really enjoyed playing the musical instruments in their music lessons with Mrs Beech. These were funded by your donations to fundraising events run by the PTFA at St George’s. Thank you to the PTFA for fundraising for us. Here are some photos of the children playing the instruments!


Reception’s St George’s day 2024

We had such a wonderful time dressing up for St George’s day last week. We also enjoyed learning a song all about the legend of St George and the dragon. I have attached the link below

The Legend Of St.George | Songs for kids in English | Pep López & Berni Armstrong – YouTube.

We also enjoyed looking at the different coats of arms for our surnames. Some children decided to make their own coats of arms. Photos of these are below. Archie did a brilliant picture of the dragon which is now framed outside of Reception.

Reception Chick update day 2

We were all so excited to see two more chicks had hatched overnight last night. These were a boy and a girl which are now in the brooder box with their friends who were born yesterday. Some of the children were also lucky to watch two more boy chicks hatch today! These two are getting all warm and fluffy in the incubator and we will move them to be with their friends in the brooder box tomorrow. Hope you like the photos. We can’t wait to share more photos of the chicks with you all as they get bigger! The children have all been thinking of names for the chicks and we will vote on these tomorrow in RC and RM. RB have already voted and their chicks are Lola and Zachary!



Reception’s chicks!

On Monday, we had an exciting delivery of 10 eggs which we are waiting to see hatch. This morning, we were so excited to see that our first chick had hatched overnight. Lots of children and an excited Mrs Bridgewater watched the 2nd chick hatch this afternoon during free-flow! Both chicks, which we think are girls due to their brownish feathers, are doing well. We will continue to update you with how many chicks we have.

Reception had a visit from the local Police

This morning, we had a visit from PC Jervis and his colleagues who brought their police van and lots of clothing to show us. We had a fantastic talk from PC Jervis about his job and how it is his job to keep people safe. We got to try on some of the clothing officers wear and also got to look at the inside of the police van, some of us even sat in the back! We had a wonderful morning. Thank you to PC Jervis and colleagues for coming into school to talk to us. Here are a selection of photos from the visit.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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