Year 3 set 1 and 2 spellings – week beginning 22nd June

Your spellings this week all contain the sound sion or end in the suffix -ous.

The words are:











Happy spelling 🙂

Year 5 spellings – week beginning 22nd June

This week is your final week of spellings for this year as we have completed the Headstart spellings for year 5. From next week, you can continue to play on Spelling shed, practising past spellings or the statutory Year 5 and 6 words.

This weeks spellings are all homophones or near homophones.

The words are:











Szabina’s mythical creature!

Szabina shared this beautiful picture of her mythical creature from Harry Potter on the year 5 email. Remember we will award you 5 dojos for each of the activities you complete.

Well done Szabina, we all love your mythical creature!

Free Writing Friday!

Let your creative juices flow and write about anything you want to today! You could write a diary entry, recipe, rules for your favourite game, a biography of someone you look up to or really anything else you can think of.

We would love to see what you have written. Share it with us on the year 5 email address at

Ruby’s fantastic leaflet!

Well done to Ruby for creating a fantastic leaflet all about the safari park! The safari park is my absolute favourite place to visit and we are planning a trip there next weekend! I am very excited 🙂

We would love to see more of your work so please keep sharing on the year 5 email address.


Harry Potter Activities!

How are you all getting on with the Harry Potter activities we set on Monday?

We would love to see how you are getting on! Remember for each task completed you will receive 5 dojos! Share them with us on

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) - IMDb

Spelling shed update – 18th June!

Wow, you have been working so hard on your spellings and it is all change again on Spelling shed again!

Well done to the following sets:

  1. Year 4, set 1
  2. Year 3, set 1
  3. Year 6, set 1
  4. Year 3, set 2
  5. Year 5, set 1

And an even bigger well done to the following children:

  1. Layla C (Y4)
  2. Jacob W (Y6)
  3. Isabelle C (Y3)
  4. Orla (Y3)
  5. Sophie C (Y5)
  6. Dillon C (Y3)
  7. Robyn (Y5)
  8. Amelia O (Y3)
  9. Oliver D (Y2)
  10. Evan D (Y2)

Lots of year 2’s and 3’s in the top 10 again – fantastic! Also a big well done to Sophie and Dillon C. Can you beat Sophie, Dillon? Can we get any other sibling pairs in the top 10?

Happy spelling over the weekend children. New spellings will be up on Saturday. Let’s see how the leader boards stand on Monday.


The Crystal Maze – KS2 Maths challenge!

Have a go at this KS2 maths challenge. If you enjoy it, have a look at Mrs Quinn’s other videos as there are more maths challenges for you to try!

Have fun, year 5!

Evie’s Blists Hill leaflet!

I was so impressed with Evie’s own Blists Hill leaflet. Click on the blue writing to see it. We would love to see some of your leaflets so don’t forget to share them with us on the Year 5 email. Well done again, Evie!

Blists Hill Leaflet

Grace’s science project!

Grace has been a busy bee over the weekend conducting some Science experiments!

Please keep sharing all your fantastic work with us or just photos of other nice things you have been up to. You can share them with us on

Well done, Grace!

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