Year 3, Set 1 and 2 spellings – week beginning 15th June!

This weeks spellings contain the spelling pattern sion and suffix -ous.











There are some tricky spellings here. You could look them up in a dictionary or ask an adult to help you, if you are unsure of any of the meanings.


Thank you so much to all the children who have submitted Stone age to Iron age projects. If you still haven’t sent yours, you have until tomorrow at 1pm.

Go, go, go!

Szabina’s half term holiday!

Thank you so much to Szabina for sharing photographs of your half term holiday. It looks like you’ve had lots of fun!

If anyone else has any photos of what they have been getting up to, it isn’t too late to share. Email them to us at

Spelling shed update – 11th June 2020

It has been lovely this week to look at individual classes and see how many of you have been playing and practising your spellings at home!

Let’s take a look at the leader boards. There has been a little switch around!

Year 5, set 1 are still top – well done!

Well done to Mr Hylton’s set who are in 2nd place!

Year 5, set 3 are in 3rd place fantastic!

Year 4, set 1 are 4th – excellent

And Year 6, set 1 have made it into the top 5 too, well done!

Now for the children’s leader board!

From 1st to 10th the names are: Gracie B (Y3), Oliver L (Y5), Jacob W (Y6), Layla (Y4), Mason (Y5), Olly B (Y5), Oliver D (Y2), Connor H (Y2), Logan (Y5) and Jayden (Y5). Lots of new names there in the top 10 which is fantastic!

Well done children, you are doing so well with your spellings!

Spelling shed – Year 5 and 6!

Finally, let’s see who has been contributing lots of points to their teams in Years 5 and 6.

Set 3, Year 5 – Mason, Oliver G, Olly B, Szabina

Set 2, Year 5 – Charlie, Evie, Logan, Luka, Reece and Ruby

Set 1, Year 5 – Cassy, George, Georgia, Grace Will, Jaidon, Jayden, Lily, Mia, Oliver L, Robyn, Sophie, Sophie-Mai

Set 3, Year 6 – Alfie, Ben, Louie and Tyler

Set 2, Year 6 – No players 🙁 come on year 6!

Set 1, Year 6 – to be added

I am sure we can get more names up here next time! Go for it, years 5 and 6!


This is your final reminder to please email your Stone to Iron age projects by Friday at 1pm!

We can’t wait to see them!

Stone Age to Iron Age Fact Cat: History: Early Britons: ...

Spelling shed – Year 3 and 4!

Well done to all the children who have been playing on Spelling shed over the last 7 days.

Set 3, Year 3 – Parker

Set 2, Year 3 – Georgina, Gracie, Habibat, Isabelle C, Jorgie, Samuel, Shay, Taevian and Tomasz

Set 1, Year 3 – Amelia, Dillon, Elliott, Oliver and Orla

Set 2, Year 4 – Acelina, Brooke, Colbey, Demi-Leigh, Eleanor, Kaycie-Lea, Owen and Ronnie

Set 1, Year 4 – AJ, Caitlyn, Georgie, Gracie, Hollie-May, Kai and Layla.

Let’s see if we can get even more names up here!


Year 1 and 2 Spelling shed!

This week, we will be celebrating the children who have been playing on Spelling shed and contributing points to their teams.

A huge well done to the following children:

1M – Constance and Shiyah

1BE – Aaron, Ellie-Mai and Niamh

1BL – Charlie and Corey

2B – Carter, Evan, Jerome and Taylor

2BF – Lucy and Oliver

2P – Blake, Connor, Harry-Jack, Lili T, Matilda and Oliver

Let’s try and get some more names up here, phase 1!

Spelling shed update – 8th June!

Let’s have a little look how things stand after the weekend. I hope you have all managed to dodge the rain and you have had nice times with your families.

Not too much change in the whole school leader board over the weekend.

Set 1 year 5 are still top with set 3 in 2nd place. Set 2 year 3 have climbed 2 places to reach 3rd place. Set 1 year 4 are 4th and Set 2 year 5 are 5th. Well done to all these sets!

Let’s now look at the children who have contributed the most points to their team and reached the top 10 in the whole school leader board.

Oliver L (Y5)

Olly B (Y5)

Gracie B (Y3)

Layla C (Y4)

Mason (Y5)

Charlie (Y5)

Georgia (Y5)

Logan (Y5)

Oliver D (Y2)

Connor H (Y2)

An extra big well done to the two boys in year 2. What an achievement to be in the top 10 of the whole school!

Each day this week, I will be checking who has been playing lots but not quite making the leader board. Tomorrow, I will be celebrating children in Years 1 and 2.

Keep practising, super spellers!

PSHE – Week beginning 8th June

This week, we would love you to reflect on all you have achieved this year. It has certainly been a different one but you have all done so well coping in these difficult times. Think of all you achieved while we were at school but also what you have learnt since being at home.

Lots of you might have been baking, learnt a new skill or simply reconnected with nature by going on lots of walks exploring!

Use the prompts in the PPT to help you but you can present your reflections however you wish. We would love to see them so please share on the year 5 email –


Have a lovely week year 5, we miss you lots and lots. Keep safe!

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